黑布林英语阅读 Little Women 小妇人 中英伴读


  Little Women 小妇人 Page 6 About the Author 关于作者 Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania in 1832. She was the second of four daughters. Her father was a teacher and he gave her lessons at home. 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特于1832年出生于宾夕法尼亚州的日耳曼敦。她是四个女儿中的老二。她的父亲是一名教师,他在家给她上课。 The Alcott family often moved house when Louisa was growing up, but Alcott's happiest years were in the small town of Concord, Massachusetts. Little Women is set in the Alcott family home there. 路易莎成长过程中,奥尔科特一家经常搬家,但奥尔科特最快乐的时光是在马萨诸塞州的小镇康科德度过的。《小妇人》的故事发生在奥尔科特一家的家中。 Alcott started work when she was still young because the family wasn't rich. She did many jobs including teaching and dressmaking, but she wanted to be a writer. Her first published work was a poem in 1852. This was the beginning of her writing career. 奥尔科特很小的时候就开始工作,因为家里并不富裕。她做过很多工作,包括教学和服装制作,但她想成为一名作家。她在1852年发表的第一部作品是一首诗。这是她写作生涯的开始。 In 1861 the American Civil War started. Alcott wanted to help so she went to Washington to work as a nurse. 1861年,美国内战爆发。奥尔科特想要帮忙,所以她去了华盛顿当护士。 After the war Alcott spent a year in Europe as the companion of an invalid. While they were in Switzerland, she had a short love affair with a Polish soldier, Ladislas Wisniewski. She later used him as the model for Laurie in Little Women, which was published in 1868.The book was an instant success so she wrote a sequel. She then wrote two more books about the March family: Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1886). 战争结束后,奥尔科特作为一个病人的伴侣在欧洲呆了一年。他们在瑞士的时候,她和一个名叫拉迪斯拉斯·维希涅夫斯基的波兰士兵有过一段短暂的恋情。后来,她以他为原型,在1868年出版的《小妇人》中扮演劳里。这本书一出版就大获成功,所以她又写了续集。之后,她又写了两本关于马奇一家的书:《小男人》(1871)和《乔的男孩》(1886)。 Alcott never married and she died at the age of 56 in Boston. 奥尔科特从未结婚,56岁时在波士顿去世。 Page 7 About the Book 关于这本书 Little Women is set in New England during the American Civil War(1861-65). The novel follows the lives of the four March sisters -Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy- and is based on the author's own experiences of growing up with her three sisters. 《小妇人》以美国内战(1861-65)期间的新英格兰为背景。这部小说讲述了马奇家的四姐妹——梅格、乔、贝丝和艾米的生活,并根据作者自己和她的三姐妹一起成长的经历写成。 The main theme in the story is the importance of family. Other themes include the need to work and self-improvement. 这个故事的主题是家庭的重要性。其他主题包括工作和自我提高的需要。 When the story begins the sisters are complaining because they are poor and have to work. Their mother says that they mustn't sp money on pleasure because there is a war and everybody must help. Their father is in the army. In the letters their father ss home he tells his daughters to work hard and not to waste their time. They must try to accept the bad things in their lives and stay cheerful. He wants to be proud of them when he comes home. The girls decide to make an effort to improve themselves because they love and miss their father very much. 故事开始时,姐妹们在抱怨,因为她们很穷,必须工作。他们的母亲说他们不应该把钱花在享乐上,因为有一场战争,每个人都必须帮忙。他们的父亲在军队里。在父亲寄回家的信中,他告诉女儿们要努力工作,不要浪费时间。他们必须努力接受生活中不好的事情,并保持乐观。当他回家的时候,他想以他们为荣。女孩们决定努力提高自己,因为她们非常爱和想念她们的父亲。 Alcott was interested in women's rights and, through the four March sisters, she explores four different ways of being a woman in those days. Meg leaves the family to get married and have a new family. Beth devotes herself to looking after her own family. Amy focuses on herself and her own pleasure. And Jo, like Alcott herself, tries to have a career in writing and care for her family at the same time. 奥尔科特对妇女权利很感兴趣,通过马奇四姐妹,她探索了当时作为一个女人的四种不同方式。梅格离开家去结婚,有了一个新的家庭。贝丝致力于照顾自己的家庭。艾米只她自己和她自己的快乐。和奥尔科特一样,乔也在努力从事写作工作,同时照顾家人。 Page 13 1 THE MARCH SISTERS 1马奇姐妹 It was December and the snow was falling quietly outside. The four March sisters were sitting around the fire in the parlor. They were knitting socks for soldiers. There was a war and everyone had to help. 12月,外面正下着雪。马奇四姐妹围坐在客厅的火炉旁。他们在为士兵织袜子。有一场战争,每个人都得帮忙。 Meg was the oldest of the four sisters. She was sixteen. She was very pretty and she loved pretty clothes. Jo was fifteen. She was very tall and thin. She was different from Meg. She didn't care about dresses or hairstyles. She was a tomboy. Beth was thirteen. She was very shy and quiet and she seemed to live in a happy world of her own. The youngest, Amy, looked like a snow princess with her blue eyes and blonde hair. She loved beautiful things and she was a little vain. She also thought that she was a very important person. 梅格是四姐妹中最大的。她十六岁。她很漂亮,她喜欢漂亮的衣服。乔是十五岁。她又高又瘦。她和梅格不一样。她不在乎衣服和发型。她是个假小子。贝丝13岁。她很害羞,很安静,似乎生活在自己的幸福世界里。最小的艾米长着一双蓝眼睛和一头金发,看上去就像一位白雪公主。她喜欢美丽的东西,有点爱慕虚荣。她还认为自己是一个非常重要的人。 'Christmas isn't Christmas without any presents,' Jo said sadly. “没有礼物圣诞节就不是圣诞节,”乔忧伤地说。 'I hate being poor!'Meg said, looking at her old dress. “我讨厌贫穷!”梅格看着她的旧衣服说。 'Some girls have lots of nice things, and other girls have nothing at all,' said Amy. 'I don't think it's fair.' “有些女孩有很多好东西,有些女孩什么都没有,”艾米说。“我认为这不公平。” 'But we've got Father and Mother, and each other,' said Beth. The four sisters looked happy for a moment when they remembered this. “但是我们有爸爸妈妈,还有彼此,”贝丝说。四姐妹想起了这一点,一时显得很高兴。 Then Jo said, 'But we haven't got Father.' 然后乔说:“可我们没有爸爸呀。” Their smiles suddenly disappeared. Mr March was far away with the soldiers. 他们的笑容突然消失了。马奇先生和士兵们在很远的地方。 'Mother says our men are suffering and we mustn't sp money for pleasure,' Meg said. 'That's why we can't have presents this year.' “妈妈说我们的男人在受苦,我们不能花钱寻欢作乐,”梅格说。“这就是我们今年不能收到礼物的原因。” Page 14 'Well, each of us has a dollar to sp,' said Jo. 'What can the army do with four dollars? Nothing! I don't expect anything from Mother but I'd like to buy a book for myself.' Jo loved reading and she had a passion for books. “好吧,我们每人有一美元,”乔说。“军队用四块钱能做什么?没有什么!我不指望从妈妈那里得到什么,但我想给自己买本书。”乔喜欢读书,她酷爱读书。 'I want to sp mine on some new music,' said Beth. She played the piano and she loved singing. “我想把我的钱花在买些新音乐上,”贝丝说。她弹钢琴,她喜欢唱歌。 I'm going to buy a box of drawing pencils. I really need them,' said Amy. She wanted to be an artist. 我打算买一盒绘画铅笔。“我真的需要它们,”艾米说。她想成为一名艺术家。 'Mother didn't say anything about sping our own money,' cried Jo. 'We work hard for it so let's buy what we want and have a little fun.' “妈妈没说过要花我们自己的钱,”乔嚷道。“我们努力工作,所以让我们买我们想要的东西,找点乐子。” It was true. The two older sisters had jobs. Meg worked as a teacher for the King family and Jo looked after Aunt March, their father's rich, bad-tempered old aunt. Beth and Amy helped with the housework. 这是真的。两个姐姐都有工作。梅格在金家当教师,乔照顾马奇姑姑,他们父亲富有的、坏脾气的老姑姑。贝丝和艾米帮着做家务。 Just then the clock struck six. Beth got up and put her mother's slippers near the fire to warm. 就在这时,钟敲了六下。贝丝站起来,把妈妈的拖鞋放在火边取暖。 'Those slippers are very old,' said Jo.' Mother needs some new ones.' “那些拖鞋很旧了,”乔说。“妈妈需要一些新的。” 'I can buy a pair for her with my dollar,' said Beth. “我可以用我的钱给她买一双,”贝丝说。 'No, I'm the oldest,' Meg said. 'I want to buy the slippers for her.' “不,我最大,”梅格说。“我想给她买拖鞋。” 'No, it's my job,' said Jo. 'Father told me to take care of Mother while he was away.' “不,这是我的工作,”乔说。“爸爸要我在他不在的时候照顾妈妈。” 'I have an idea,' said Beth. 'Let's not sp our money on ourselves. Let's get some presents for Mother.' “我有个主意,”贝丝说。“我们不要把钱花在自己身上。我们给妈妈买些礼物吧。” Her sisters thought that this was a very good idea. 她的姐妹们认为这是一个非常好的主意。 Page 15 'I'm going to give her a pair of gloves,' said Meg looking at her own pretty hands. They were small and white. 'And you, Jo?' “我打算给她一副手套,”梅格看着自己漂亮的手说。它们又小又白。“而你,乔?” 'Some new slippers!' cried Jo. “一些新拖鞋!”乔喊道。 'I'm going to make her some handkerchiefs,' said Beth quietly. “我想给她做一些手帕,”贝丝平静地说。 'And I'm going to give her a bottle of perfume,' said Amy. “我还要给她买瓶香水,”艾米说。 They all agreed to go shopping for the presents the next day. 他们都同意第二天去买礼物。 What does "But we haven't got Father" mean? How much money do they have for presents? What does "she had a passion for books" mean? What presents will each of them buy for their mom? At that moment a happy voice called, 'Hello, my dears!' It was Mrs March. The girls jumped up and ran to the front door. 这时一个幸福的声音喊道:“你们好,亲爱的!”是马奇太太。女孩们跳起来跑到前门。 While she was taking off her wet cloak and shoes and putting on the warm slippers, Mrs March talked to her daughters about their day. 马奇太太一边脱下湿斗篷和鞋子,换上暖和的拖鞋,一边和她的女儿们谈论这一天的事情。 'How is your cold, Meg? Jo, you look tired. Did anyone call today, Beth? Amy, baby, come and give me a kiss.' “你感冒怎么样了,梅格?”乔,你看起来很累。今天有人打电话来吗,贝丝?艾米,宝贝,过来吻我一下。” Then the girls quickly prepared the table for the evening meal and they all sat down to eat. There was a happy smile on Mrs March's face. 然后,女孩们很快地准备好了桌子,大家都坐下来吃晚饭。马奇太太的脸上露出了幸福的微笑。 'I've got a surprise for you after supper,' she said. “晚饭后我有个惊喜要给你,”她说。 'Hooray!' shouted Beth. 'A letter from Father!' “万岁!”“贝丝喊道。“父亲的来信!” 'Yes!' said Mrs March. 'A nice long letter.' “是的!马奇太太说。“一封漂亮的长信。” Page 16 The letter was very cheerful and full of interesting descriptions of life in the army. At the of the letter there was a special message for the girls. He told them to be good to their mother and to work hard. He wanted to be proud of them when he came back. The girls cried when their mother read the last part because they loved and missed their father a lot. They wanted to make him happy so each one made a promise to be a better person in the future. 信中内容很愉快,而且充满了关于军队生活的有趣描述。在信的结尾有一封特别写给女孩们的信。他告诉他们要对妈妈好,要努力工作。当他回来的时候,他想以他们为荣。当她们的母亲读到最后一部分时,女孩们哭了,因为她们非常爱和想念她们的父亲。她们想让他开心,所以每个人都承诺将来会成为一个更好的人。 Before they went to bed, Beth played some songs on the old piano in the parlor and they all sang. 睡觉前,贝丝在客厅的那架旧钢琴上弹了几首歌,大家都唱了起来。 Page 17 2 A MERRY CHRISTMAS 2圣诞快乐 Jo was the first to wake up on Christmas morning. When her sisters were awake too, they all went down to the kitchen. Their mother wasn't there but Hannah, their servant, was. 圣诞节早晨,乔是第一个醒来的。姐妹们也醒了,她们都下楼到厨房去了。他们的母亲不在,但他们的仆人汉娜在。 'Your mother went out early,' she said. 'A poor boy came to the door asking for food. She was sorry for him and she wanted to help him. She went to see his family.' “你妈妈很早就出去了,”她说。“一个穷孩子到门口讨吃的。她为他感到难过,想帮助他。她去看他的家人了。” While they were waiting for their mother to come back, the girls put their presents for her in a basket. Soon they heard the sound of a key in the front door. 在等妈妈回来的时候,女孩们把送给她的礼物放在一个篮子里。不久,他们听到了用钥匙打开前门的声音。 'Mother's here!' cried Jo.' Hide the basket behind the sofa! Quick!" “母亲在这里!”乔喊道。“把篮子藏在沙发后面!快!” Then they all rushed into the hall to greet their mother. 然后他们都冲进大厅去迎接他们的母亲。 'Merry Christmas, Mother!' they cried. “妈妈,圣诞快乐!”他们嚷道。 'Merry Christmas, little daughters!' Mrs March said in her happy voice. She hugged them all and kissed them. Then she suddenly became very serious. “圣诞快乐,孩子们!”马奇太太用快乐的声音说。她拥抱他们,亲吻他们。然后她突然严肃起来。 'Come and sit down, girls. I want to say something before we start breakfast.' “姑娘们,过来坐下。吃早饭前我有话要说。” They all sat down at the breakfast table and Mrs March continued. 他们都坐在早餐桌旁,马奇太太继续说。 'I went to see a poor woman this morning. Her name is Mrs Hummel. She lives near here in one room with her seven children. One of them is only a baby. They are cold and hungry because they don't have a fire or any food. The oldest boy came to ask me for help. Girls, can we give them our breakfast as a Christmas present?' “今天早晨我去看了一个可怜的女人。她的名字是哈梅尔夫人。她和七个孩子住在附近的一个房间里。其中一个还只是个婴儿。他们又冷又饿,因为他们没有火,也没有任何食物。最大的男孩来找我帮忙。孩子们,我们能把我们的早餐送给他们做圣诞礼物吗?” Page 18 The sisters looked at the good food on the table. They were all hungry. For a minute nobody spoke. Then Jo said, 'I'm so glad you came back before we started eating, Mother!' 姐妹俩看着桌上丰盛的食物。他们都饿了。有一分钟没有人说话。然后乔说:我很高兴你在我们开始吃饭之前回来,妈妈!” Meg put the bread on a big plate without saying anything. 梅格什么也没说就把面包放在一个大盘子里。 'Can I help carry the things to the poor children?' asked Beth. “我能帮着把东西拿给那些可怜的孩子们吗?”贝丝问。 'I want to take the cream and the muffins,' said Amy. They were her favorite things. “我想带上奶油和松饼,”艾米说。那是她最喜欢的东西。 Mrs March smiled. 马奇太太笑了。 'Let's all go together,' she said. “我们一起走吧,”她说。 The girls and Hannah put on their hats and cloaks and they went out into the snowy street. 姑娘们和汉娜戴上帽子,穿上斗篷,走到白雪覆盖的街道上。 They were shocked when they saw the Hummels' room. The window was broken and there was no fire. It was very cold. Mrs Hummel, the baby and a group of pale children were trying to keep warm under one old blanket. The children's eyes opened wide and their blue lips smiled when they saw the girls. Mrs Hummel cried with joy. 当他们看到哈梅尔家的房间时,都惊呆了。窗户被打破了,也没有生火。天气很冷。哈梅尔太太、婴儿和一群脸色苍白的孩子在一条旧毯子下面取暖。当孩子们看到女孩们时,他们的眼睛睁得大大的,蓝色的嘴唇露出了微笑。哈梅尔太太高兴得叫了起来。 Hannah made a fire and put her own cloak over the broken window. The girls put the food on the table and soon the children were eating it hungrily. Mrs March gave the mother some hot soup and dressed the little baby. 汉娜生了火,把自己的斗篷罩在破窗户上。女孩们把食物放在桌子上,很快孩子们就狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。马奇太太给了母亲一些热汤,并给婴儿穿好衣服。 'Angels! You're angels!' Mrs Hummel called to them as they left. That Christmas morning the girls had bread and milk for breakfast but they weren't sad. “天使!”你是天使!他们离开时,哈梅尔太太对他们喊道。那个圣诞节的早晨,女孩们早餐吃的是面包和牛奶,但她们并不悲伤。 'I'm glad that we helped those poor people,' said Meg. 'It was the right thing to do.' “我很高兴我们帮助了那些穷人,”梅格说。“这么做是正确的。” Page 20 After breakfast the girls gave their mother her Christmas presents. They explained the reason for each one and there was a lot of laughing and kissing. Mrs March immediately put some perfume on one of the handkerchiefs and put it into her pocket. Then she put on the slippers and the gloves. 早饭后,姑娘们把圣诞礼物送给了母亲。他们解释了每一个原因,大家笑了起来,亲吻了起来。马奇太太立即在一块手帕上涂了些香水,放进了口袋。然后她穿上拖鞋和手套。 'Perfect!' she said. “完美!”她说。 The girls spent the rest of the day preparing a play. The sisters often performed plays for their fris and they were very good at making costumes and props. 女孩们用那天剩下的时间准备一出戏。这对姐妹经常为她们的朋友表演戏剧,她们非常擅长制作服装和道具。 A dozen girls arrived about six o'clock and took their places on the bed in the big bedroom. The play was a great success. Everybody enjoyed it very much. The girls were still laughing and clapping when Hannah came in and said, 'Supper is ready.' 大约六点钟,十几个姑娘到了,她们在大卧室的床上就座。这出戏非常成功。每个人都很喜欢。姑娘们还在鼓掌大笑,这时汉娜走了进来,说:“晚饭准备好了。” A surprise was waiting for them on the dining room table-dishes of ice cream, pink and white, fresh fruit, cakes and real French chocolates. And in the middle of all this delicious food there were four vases of beautiful flowers. The girls couldn't believe their eyes. 一个惊喜在餐厅里等着他们,盘子里有冰激凌,粉色和白色的,新鲜的水果,蛋糕和真正的法国巧克力。在所有这些美味的食物中间有四瓶美丽的花。女孩们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 'Did the fairies bring the supper?' asked Amy. “仙女们带来晚餐了吗?”艾米问。 'No! Santa Claus brought it,' said Beth. “不!是圣诞老人带来的,”贝丝说。 'Mother did it,' Meg said. “是妈妈做的,”梅格说。 'No! Aunt March sent it!' cried Jo. “不!马奇太太送来的!”乔喊道。 'You are all wrong,' said Mrs March. 'Old Mr Laurence sent it.' “你们都错了,”马奇太太说。“是劳伦斯老先生送来的。” Write a short description of a special meal that you and your family have. Say when and why you have it and what you eat and drink. Page 21 'The Laurence boy's grandfather!' exclaimed Meg. 'Why did he do that? We don't know him!' “劳伦斯男孩的爷爷!”梅格喊道。“他为什么要那样做?”我们不认识他!” 'Hannah told one of his servants the story of the Hummels. Mr Laurence was sorry to hear about your poor Christmas breakfast so he decided to give you a surprise.' 汉娜把哈梅尔一家的故事告诉了他的一个仆人。劳伦斯老先生听说你可怜的圣诞早餐很难过,所以他决定给你一个惊喜。” 'My mother says he's very proud,' said one of the girls at the table.' She says that he doesn't like mixing with his neighbors. His grandson has to stay in the house and study all day. We invited him to a party once, but he didn't come. He's very shy.' “我妈妈说他很骄傲,”餐桌上的一个女孩说。她说他不喜欢和邻居们混在一起。他的孙子不得不整天呆在家里学习。我们曾邀请他参加一次聚会,但他没来。他很害羞。” 'I'm going to talk to him one day,' said Jo. 'He needs to have some fun. I'm going to invite him to our next play!' “有一天我会跟他说的,”乔说。他需要找点乐子。我还要邀请他来看我们下一场戏!” Page 22 3 THE LAURENCE BOY 3劳伦斯家的男孩 'Jo! Jo! Where are you?'Meg shouted from the bottom of the stairs. “乔!乔!你在哪里?”梅格在楼梯底下喊道。 'I'm in the attic!' answered Jo. She was sitting on an old sofa next to a small window. This was her favorite place in the house. She went there to be alone and to read. When Meg appeared, she closed her book and looked up. “我在阁楼上!”乔回答说。她坐在一扇小窗旁的一张旧沙发上。这是她最喜欢的地方。她去那里是为了独处和读书。梅格出现时,合上书抬起头来。 'We have an invitation from Mrs Gardiner to a dance on New Year's Eve!' cried Meg excitedly. 'Oh dear! What am I going to wear? ' “加德纳太太请我们参加新年夜的舞会!”梅格兴奋地叫道。“哦,亲爱的!我穿什么好呢?” 'Your old cotton dress is alright,' replied Jo. 'You can wear that.' “你的旧棉连衣裙挺好的,”乔回答。“你可以穿着它。” 'I'd love to have a silk dress,' said Meg sadly. 'Mother says I can have one when I'm eighteen. But it's a very long time to wait.' “我很想有一件丝绸连衣裙,”梅格悲哀地说。“妈妈说我十八岁时可以有一个。但要等很长时间。” On New Year's Eve, Beth and Amy helped their older sisters get ready for the party. The girls looked very nice in their simple dresses. Meg's was a silver color and Jo's was dark red. Meg borrowed her mother's pearl pin to decorate her dress. Jo put a flower on hers. 新年前夜,贝丝和艾米帮助她们的姐姐为晚会做准备。女孩们穿着简单的连衣裙看起来很漂亮。梅格的连衣裙是银色的,而乔的则是深红色。梅格借了她母亲的珍珠别针来装饰她的连衣裙。乔在她的连衣裙上放了一朵花。 'Have a good time, my dears!' said Mrs March. 'Don't eat too much, and come home at eleven.' “玩得开心点,亲爱的!”马奇太太说。“别吃太多,11点回家。” They were closing the garden gate when their mother cried from a window, 'Girls! Have you both got clean handkerchiefs?' 他们正关着花园的门,母亲从窗口叫道:“姑娘们!你们俩都有干净手帕吗?” 'Yes, yes. And Meg put some perfume on hers,' cried Jo, and she and Meg laughed all the way to the Gardiners' house. “是的,是的。梅格还在她的手帕上抹了些香水,”乔叫道,她和梅格在去加德纳家的路上一路笑着。 Page 23 When they arrived they were feeling a bit shy because they didn't often go to parties. But soon some girls started talking to Meg, and then some boys asked her to dance. Jo stood on her own at one of the room. She didn't like talking to girls. A group of boys near her was talking about ice-skating. She wanted to join them but it wasn't polite for a girl to talk about sport with boys. She began to feel bored. Then a boy with red hair started to walk towards her. Suddenly she felt very shy. 当他们到达时,他们感到有点害羞,因为他们不经常参加聚会。但很快一些女孩开始和梅格说话,然后一些男孩请她跳舞。乔独自站在房间的一头。她不喜欢和女孩子说话。她身边的一群男孩正在谈论滑冰。她想加入他们,但一个女孩和男孩谈论运动是不礼貌的。她开始感到无聊。然后一个红头发的男孩开始向她走来。她突然感到很害羞。 'Oh, no!' she thought. 'He's going to ask me to dance.' “哦,不!”她想。“他要请我跳舞了。” What kind of parties do you go to? Are your parties different from this one? Why? She looked around for a hiding place. There was a large heavy curtain behind her. She lifted it quickly and slipped behind it. When the curtain dropped, she found herself face to face with the 'Laurence boy'! 她四处寻找藏身之处。她身后有一个又大又沉的帷幕。她迅速提起它,溜到它后面。帷幕落下后,她发现自己正面对着“劳伦斯家的男孩”! She turned red with embarrassment. 她窘得满脸通红。 'Sorry!' she said. 'I didn't know that you were here.' “对不起!”她说。“我不知道你在这儿。” She started to leave but the boy laughed and said in a pleasant voice, 'Stay if you like. Don't worry about me. I only came here because I don't know many people. I was bored.' 她准备离开,但男孩笑了,并用愉快的声音说:“你愿意就留下吧。”别为我担心。我来这里只是因为我认识的人不多。我是无聊。” 'I was, too.' “我也是。” Jo tried to be polite and relaxed. 乔尽量表现得礼貌而轻松。 Page 24 'You live near us, don't you?' she said. 'I saw you the other day.' “你住在我们附近,是不是?”她说。“前几天我还看见你的。” 'Yes. Next door.' “是的。隔壁。” And then they both laughed. 然后他们都笑了。 'We had a good time at Christmas. Thank you for your nice Christmas present.' “圣诞节我们玩得很开心。谢谢你漂亮的圣诞礼物。” 'Grandfather sent it.' “爷爷寄的。” 'But you gave him the idea, didn't you, Mr Laurence?' “可那是你给他出的主意,是吗,劳伦斯老先生?” 'I'm not Mr Laurence, Miss March. I'm only Laurie.' “我不是劳伦斯老先生,马奇小姐。我叫劳里。” 'And I am not Miss March. I'm only Jo,' she replied. “我也不是马奇小姐。我叫乔,”她回答。 Soon they forgot their shyness and were chatting happily about Laurie's travels to foreign countries. They began to feel like old fris. 很快他们就忘记了羞涩,愉快地聊着劳里的国外之行。他们开始觉得像老朋友了。 Then Laurie asked Jo to dance. He taught her a new German dance and they had a lot of fun. Laurie was a good dancer. Laurie was telling Jo about a students' festival in Heidelberg when she suddenly saw Meg. Her sister was sitting on a sofa and holding her foot. She looked pale. Jo immediately went to see what was wrong. 然后劳里请乔跳舞。他教她一种新的德国舞蹈,他们玩得很开心。劳里舞跳得很好。劳里正在给乔讲在海德堡举行的学生节,这时她突然看见了梅格。她姐姐坐在沙发上,抱着她的脚。她看起来苍白。乔马上去看是怎么回事。 'It's my ankle,' said Meg. 'That stupid high heel on my shoe broke. I can't stand or walk very well. How am I going to get home?' “我的脚踝受伤了,”梅格说。“我鞋上那愚蠢的高后跟坏了。我不能很好地站立或行走。我怎么回家啊?” Jo went outside and looked for a carriage but there weren't any. 乔出去找马车,可是找不到。 'You can have my grandfather's carriage,' said Laurie. “你可以用我爷爷的马车,”劳里说。 'But it's still early!' said Jo. 'Do you really want to go home now?' “可现在时间还早!”乔说。“你真想现在回家吗?” 'Oh, yes,' replied Laurie. 'I always leave parties early.' “哦,是的,”劳里回答。“我总是早早地离开派对。” So Jo accepted his kind offer because it was an emergency. Then they went to find Meg. 所以乔接受了他的好意因为情况紧急。然后他们去找梅格。 Page 25 When they arrived at the Marches' house, Jo and Meg thanked Laurie and said goodnight. They opened the front door very quietly but Beth and Amy were still awake. 他们来到马奇家时,乔和梅格向劳里道谢并道了晚安。他们轻轻地打开前门,但贝丝和艾米还没睡。 'Tell us about the party!' they cried from the top of the stairs. “给我们讲讲舞会的事!”他们在楼梯顶上叫道。 Jo and Meg described the most exciting moments of the evening and then the two younger sisters went to bed happily. 乔和梅格描述了当晚最激动人心的时刻,然后两个妹妹高高兴兴地去睡觉了。 Later Jo put a bandage on Meg's foot and brushed her sister's hair. 'Thank you, Jo,' Meg said. 'I feel like a real lady.' 后来乔给梅格的脚缠上绷带,又给她姐姐梳头。“谢谢你,乔,”梅格说。“我觉得自己像个真正的淑女。” 'We don't have silk dresses and beautiful shoes,' said Jo. 'But I'm sure that we enjoy ourselves as much as real ladies do.' “我们没有丝绸裙子和漂亮的鞋子,”乔说。“不过我敢肯定,我们像真正的贵妇人一样玩得很开心。” Page 26 4 GOOD NEIGHBORS 4好邻居 The Marches' house was between two large houses. On one side there was an old brown house. On the other side there was a large stone mansion. This was the home of old Mr Laurence and his grandson, Laurie. It was a very grand house and the rooms looked very comfortable behind the heavy silk curtains at the windows. But it was a house without life. The Marches' house was different. It was always busy and full of noise and people. 马奇家的房子在两幢大房子之间。一边是一座棕色的老房子。对面是一座巨大的石头豪宅。这是劳伦斯老先生和他孙子劳里的家。这是一所非常豪华的房子,窗户上厚重的丝绸窗帘后面的房间看上去非常舒适。但这是一座没有生命的房子。马奇家的房子就不同了。它总是很繁忙,充满了噪音和人群。 A few days after the party Jo saw Laurie again. He was standing at an upstairs window in the mansion and looking down at their garden. Beth and Amy were playing in the snow. They were throwing snowballs and having a lot of fun. Laurie's face was very sad. 聚会后的几天,乔又见到了劳里。他站在豪宅楼上的一个窗口,俯视着他们的花园。贝丝和艾米在雪里玩。他们在扔雪球,玩得很开心。劳里的脸很悲伤。 'Poor boy!' she thought. 'He's all alone. It's a shame! He needs some fris.' She couldn't stop thinking about him. She wanted to go and see him but how could she go to his house without an invitation? “可怜的孩子!”她想。“他是独自一人。这是一件遗憾的事!他需要一些朋友。”她情不自禁想起了他。她很想去看看他,可是没有得到邀请,她怎么能去他家呢? Then one snowy afternoon, while she was looking out of the window, she saw Mr Laurence. He was getting into his carriage. He was going out. This gave her an idea. 然后在一个下雪的下午,她往窗外看时,看到了劳伦斯老先生。他正在上他的马车。他要出去。这给了她一个主意。 'Laurie is alone in the house,' she thought. 'Perhaps he's looking out of his window.' “劳里一个人在房子里,”她想。“也许他正往窗外看呢。” She put on her hat and an old coat and took a broom and a shovel from the kitchen. 她戴上帽子,穿上一件旧外套,从厨房里拿出一把扫帚和一把铁锹。 Page 27 'What are you going to do, Jo?' asked Meg when she saw her sister in the hall. “你打算干什么,乔?”梅格在大厅看见她妹妹时问道。 'I want to get some exercise,' answered Jo with a smile. 'I'm going to clear the garden path.' “我想锻炼身体,”乔笑着回答。“我要清扫花园小路。” Laurie was standing at the window again. He wasn't looking at her so she threw a snowball to get his attention. When the snow hit the glass, he turned his head immediately and a big smile changed his pale, sad face. 劳里又站在窗前。他没有看她,所以她扔雪球来引起他的注意。当雪打在玻璃上时,他立刻转过头来,一个大大的微笑改变了他苍白、悲伤的脸。 Jo laughed and shouted, 'How are you? Are you ill?' 乔笑着嚷道:“你怎么样?你生病了吗?” Laurie opened the window and said, 'I'm better now, thank you. I had a bad cold and I had to stay inside for a week.' 劳里打开窗户说:“我现在好多了,谢谢你。”我得了重感冒,不得不在屋里呆了一个星期。” Page 28 'I'm sorry,' said Jo. 'Are you bored?' “对不起,”乔说。“你很无聊吗?” 'Yes, very,' he replied. “是的,非常,”他回答。 'Don't your fris come to visit you?' “你的朋友们不来看你吗?” 'No. But I don't want to see anybody. Boys are noisy and they give me a headache.' “没有。但我谁也不想见。男孩子们太吵了,他们让我头疼。” 'Girls are quiet.' “女孩安静。” 'I don't know any girls.' “我不认识女孩子。” 'You know us.' “你知道我们。” 'That's true! Can you come and visit me?' cried Laurie. 'Please!' “这是真的!你能来看我吗?”劳里喊道。“请!” I'm not quiet but I'd like to come,' replied Jo. 'But I must ask Mother first.' “我不安静,可我愿意来,”乔回答。“但我得先问问妈妈。” She picked up her broom and ran into the house. 她拿起扫帚跑进了房子。 Which of the following words can be used to describe Jo? □ shy□ lonely □ lovely □ talkative Why should Laurie stay inside for a week? How did Jo get Laurie's attention when she wanted to help him? A few minutes later she returned and rang the bell on the door of the mansion. A servant answered it and took her upstairs. 几分钟后,她回来了,按了按豪宅的门铃。一个仆人接了,把她带到楼上。 'Here I am!' she said brightly. 'Mother ss her love and Meg gave me this blancmange for you.' “我在这里! ”她欢快地说。“妈妈给了她的爱,梅格给了我这个牛奶冻,都给你。” 'That looks delicious,' Laurie said. He was very happy to see Jo. “看起来很好吃,”劳里说。他很高兴看到乔。 Page 29 'Please sit down,' Laurie said and pointed to a comfortable armchair. “请坐,”劳里说,指着一张舒服的扶手椅。 Jo looked around. There were lots of books on the shelves. 乔看了看四周。书架上有很多书。 'What a cozy room!' she said. 'I can read to you if you like.' “多舒服的房间啊!”她说。“如果你愿意,我可以读给你听。” 'No, let's talk,' replied Laurie. “不,让我们谈谈,”劳里回答。 'Alright,' said Jo. 'I can talk for hours. Beth says I never know when to stop.' “好吧,”乔说。“我能讲上几个小时。贝丝说我总是不知道什么时候该停下来。” 'Which sister is Beth? Does she sometimes carry a brown basket when she goes out?' asked Laurie. “哪个妹妹是贝丝?”她出去的时候有时会提一个棕色的篮子吗?”劳里问。 'Yes. She's very shy. She doesn't go out much. She loves being at home.' “是的。她很害羞。她不常出去。她喜欢待在家里。” 'And Meg is very pretty and Amy has lovely blonde hair,' Laurie continued. “梅格很漂亮,艾米有可爱的金发,”劳里接着说。 'Yes!' said Jo in a surprised voice. 'How do you know that?' “是的!”乔惊讶地说道。“你怎么知道的?” 'You call each other's names when you are in the garden. I can hear you from my room. Sometimes you forget to close the curtains and I can see you all around the table with your mother. She has a very kind face. I like looking at her. I haven't got a mother, you know.' “你们在花园里互相称呼对方的名字。我在房间里就能听到你的声音。有时你忘了拉上窗帘,我能看到你和你妈妈坐在桌子周围。她有一张非常和善的脸。我喜欢看她。你知道,我没有妈妈。” Jo felt sad when she heard this. 乔听了这些话感到很难过。 'Why don't you come and visit us?' she said suddenly. 'It isn't good for you to stay in this house all the time.' “你为什么不来看看我们呢?”她突然说。“你老是呆在这个房子里对你不好。” 'Thank you. I'd like to come very much,' said Laurie. 'We know all our neighbors except you,' Jo said. 'I'm glad we're fris now.' “谢谢你。“我很想来,”劳里说。“除了你,我们都认识我们的邻居,”乔说。“我很高兴我们现在是朋友。” She told him about all the interesting things in her life - her plays, her plans and her passion for books. Laurie loved books too, and offered to show her the library in the house. 她告诉他她生活中所有有趣的事情 — 她的戏剧,她的计划和她对书籍的热爱。劳里也喜欢书,主动向她展示家里的图书馆。 Page 30 The library was a wonderful room. Jo loved it. 图书馆是一个漂亮的房间。乔爱它。 'How marvelous!' she sighed. 'All those books!' “真了不起!”她叹了口气。“所有这些书!” 'A person needs more than books,' said Laurie. “一个人需要的不只是书,”劳里说。 Just then the bell rang and a maid came in. 正在这时铃响了,一个女仆走了进来。 'The doctor is here to see you, sir,' she said. “医生来看您了,先生,”她说。 'I'm sorry, Jo, but I must see him,' said Laurie. 'Wait for me here, please.' “对不起,乔,我必须见他,”劳里说。“请在这儿等我。” Page 31 He went away and Jo walked around the room. She was standing in front of a portrait of old Mr Laurence when she heard a sound behind her. She thought it was Laurie so she said, 'I like him. He's got kind eyes, but he isn't as handsome as my grandfather.' 他走了,乔在房间里踱来踱去。她正站在劳伦斯老先生的画像前,突然听到身后有声音。她以为是劳里,就说:“我喜欢他。他有一双和善的眼睛,但他没有我爷爷英俊。” 'Thank you, ma'am,' said a deep voice. She turned round quickly. Old Mr Laurence was standing near the door. “谢谢您,夫人,”一个深沉的声音说。她很快转过身来。劳伦斯老先生站在门边。 'So I am not as handsome as your grandfather?' “所以我不如你爷爷英俊?” 'No, sir,' she replied. Her face was red. “没有,先生,”她回答。她的脸涨红了。 'But you like me anyway?' “可你还是喜欢我?” 'Yes, I do, sir.' “是的,先生。” The old gentleman laughed and said, 'Your grandfather was a good man, my dear. He was also a brave and an honest one, and I was proud to be his fri.' 老先生笑着说:“你的爷爷是个好人,亲爱的。他也是一个勇敢而诚实的。

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