

  视频加载中... Hello everyone and welcome back to "English with Lucy." 大家好,欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。 Today, I have a vocabulary lesson. 今天,我带来的是一节词汇课。 We are going to talk about clothes vocabulary, but not just the basic clothes vocabulary, we're going to go into detail. 我们要谈谈服装词汇,但不仅仅是基本的服装词汇,我们将详细介绍。 When you start learning English, one of the first things that you learn is "socks," "t-shirt," "shoes," "hat..." 当你开始学习英语时,你最开始学习的内容之一就是“袜子”、“T 恤”、“鞋子”、“帽子......” But there is so much more than that. 但还有更多。 There's so much more advanced vocabulary. 还有很多高级词汇。 What's the difference between a t-shirt bra and a pushup bra? T恤文胸和聚拢型文胸有什么区别? Or boxers and briefs? 还是四角裤和三角裤? What would you call this neck line style on a t-shirt? 你会怎么称呼 T 恤上的这种领口款式? I am going to tell you all of this. 我要告诉你这一切。 As always, I have created a free PDF that goes with this lesson. 和往常一样,我为本节课创建了一个免费的 PDF。 If you would like to download that PDF, it's got all of the vocabulary, and it has a quiz for you to test your understanding. 如果你想下载该 PDF,它有所有的词汇,还有一个测验让你测试你的理解。 Go to the link in my description box. 转到描述栏中的链接。 You click on that. 点击它。 You enter your name and your email address. 输入你的姓名和电子邮件地址。 You sign up to my mailing list, and I s that PDF directly to your inbox, and then, every week afterwards, you will automatically receive the free lesson PDF. 注册我的邮件列表,然后我将该 PDF 直接发送到你的收件箱,然后,之后的每个星期,你将自动收到免费课程 PDF。 You don't have to put your name in every time. 你不必每次都输入你的名字。 As well as that, you'll receive my updates and offers. 除此之外,你还会收到我的更新和优惠。 Let's get started with the video. 我们开始看视频。 I think we should start with "underwear" because, hopefully, that's what you put on first. 我认为我们应该从“内衣”开始,因为,这很有可能是你最先穿上的。 Now, I am going to be talking about menswear and womenswear, but I completely understand that you can wear whatever you want, regardless of ger. 现在,我要谈论男装和女装,但我完全明白你可以 随心所欲,不分性别地穿着。 We're just going from a vocabulary standpoint here. 我们只是从词汇的角度来看这里。 Let's start with men's underwear. 先从男士内裤说起。 In British English, we call men's underwear "pants." 在英式英语中,我们称男士内裤为“pants”。 Now, in American English "pants" is what we call "trousers." 在美式英语中,“pants”就是我们所说的“trousers”。 So if someone from the US says, "Take off your pants," it means, "Take off your trousers." 所以如果有人从美国说,“Take off your pants”意思是“脱掉你的裤子”。 But if a British girl says, "Take off your pants," she might be flirting with you. 但是如果一个英国女孩说,“Take off your pants”,她可能在跟你调情。 Now, "pants" is a very general term, but we can be more specific. “Pants”是一个非常笼统的说法,但我们可以更具体。 We have boxer shorts, or boxers, and these t to have an elastic waist and baggy legs. 我们有平角短裤,或平角裤,这些往往有弹性的腰部和宽松的裤腿。 "Baggy" means loose or not tight. “Baggy”的意思是松散或不紧绷。 Briefs, which are also known as y-fronts, are shorter and tighter. 三角裤,也称为 y-fronts,更短更紧。 They're often referred to as "snug," which means tight and close fitting. 它们通常被称为“贴身的”,这意味着紧密贴合。 We also have boxer briefs, which have that same elasticated waist, and they have long legs which are tight fitting. 我们还有平角内裤,有同样的松紧腰,他们的裤腿很长,很合身。 Now, let's talk about the womenswear equivalent. 现在,让我们谈谈对应的女性内裤。 In American English, they call women's underwear "panties." 在美式英语中,她们称女性内衣为“panties”。 Now, we don't t to say this in British English. 我们在英式英语中往往不会这么说。 "Panties" almost sounds like something you'd say to a child. “Panties”听起来就像是你对孩子说的话。 It sounds quite childish. 听起来很幼稚。 Which obviously, when you're talking about underwear, doesn't sit well with me. 很明显,当你谈论内衣时,这个词不适合我。 In British English, we say "pants" or "knickers." 在英式英语中,我们说“pants”或“knickers”。 So that "pants" word is a really general unisex term. 所以“裤子”这个词是一个非常普遍的男女通用的说法。 "Knickers" is generally referring to women's wear. “Knickers”泛指女装。 Now, we also have lots and lots of different types of knickers. 现在,我们也有很多很多不同类型的短裤。 We have briefs. 我们有平角裤。 Now, these are often rudely referred to as "granny pants" 'cause they're bigger, and they're not deemed to be attractive, but I can think of many occasions where having attractive underwear is not your number one priority. 现在,这些通常被粗鲁地称为“奶奶裤”,因为它们更大,它们被认为没有吸引力,但我能想到很多场合穿迷人的内衣不是你的首选。 So briefs can be very, very comfortable and convenient. 所以平角裤可以非常、非常舒适和方便。 These cover you well, they are triangular, and they come up high, and they finish low. 这种内裤很好地覆盖了你的身体,它们是三角形的,而且前高后低。 If you want underwear that holds you in and slims you and smooths your silhouette, then you have the option of control pants, or Spanx, which is actually a brand name, but because they were sort of the pioneers, like the Hoover... 如果你想要内衣并让你显得苗条,抚平你的轮廓,那么你可以选择塑形裤,或者Spanx,这实际上是一个品牌名称,但因为他们可以说是开拓者,就像胡佛...... Spanx, they were the first in the market, so their brand name has actually become something that we use for any brand. Spanx,他们是市场上的第一个,所以他们的品牌名称实际上已经成为任何品牌的某种东西的代称了。 We also have boyshorts. 我们也有平角裤。 These are basically the womenswear version of boxer shorts. 这些基本上是平角短裤的女装版本。 We also have knickers with just a thin strip at the back. 我们也有背面只有一条细条的短裤。 These have many names. 这些有很多名字。 You can call them a g-string. 你可以称它们为 G 弦裤。 I grew up playing the violin, and I always found it so funny when my G string broke. 我从小拉小提琴,当我的 G 弦断了时,我总是觉得很有趣。 I'd tell everyone, "Oh no, I've broken my G string!" 我会告诉每个人,“哦,不,我的 G 弦断了!” You can also call them "thongs" or "Brazilians." 你也可以称它们为“丁字裤”或“巴西裤”。 Thongs seems to be a really thin strip at the back, and Brazilians are slightly thicker at the back. 丁字裤后面好像是一条很细的条带,而巴西裤的背部则稍厚一些。 Now, some important vocabulary: VPL. 现在是一些重要的词汇:VPL。 Lots of women choose to wear thongs and Brazilians and g-strings to avoid the VPL, which means "visible panty line." 很多女性选择穿丁字裤和巴西裤和 G 弦裤来规避 VPL,意思是“可见的内裤线”。 This is where the edge of your underwear can dig into your skin and be visible through clothes. 这是指你内衣的边缘可以压入你的皮肤并透过衣服可以看的见。 I know I much prefer a seamless look. 我知道我更喜欢无缝外观。 "Seamless" means smooth without any joins. “无缝”是指没有任何连接的平滑。 A seam in clothing is where two pieces of fabric have been sewn together. 衣服的接缝是指两块织物缝在一起了的地方。 That's the seam there. 那是那里的接缝。 Let's also talk about bras. 我们也来谈谈胸罩。 These are very, very important, or not so important nowadays. 这些非常非常重要,或者现在不那么重要了。 It seems to be quite in fashion to not wear a bra. 不穿胸罩似乎很时髦。 "Bra" is short for brassiere, but hardly anyone says that anymore. “胸罩”是 brassiere 的缩写,但现在几乎没有人这么说了。 We just say "bra." 我们只说“胸罩”。 There are lots of different styles. 有很多不同的风格。 We have a triangle bra, which is, of course, in a triangle. 我们有三角文胸,当然,这是一个三角形。 Sort of more of a bikini shape. 更像是比基尼的形状。 We have a t-shirt bra, which is a bra that's inted to be invisible under your t-shirt. 我们有一个 T 恤胸罩,这是一个专门设计的胸罩隐藏在你的 T 恤下。 A sports bra. 运动文胸。 This has lots of control, so there's minimal movement when doing exercise and running. 这种的控制性更强,所以在锻炼和跑步时活动幅度很小。 We have a strapless bra with no straps. 我们有一个没有肩带的无肩带文胸。 Straps are the pieces of material that go over your shoulder. 肩带指的是越过你的肩膀的那部分。 We have a push-up bra, sometimes referred to as a Wonderbra, but again, Wonderbra is a brand. 我们有聚拢型胸罩,有时被称为 Wonderbra,但同样,Wonderbra 是一个品牌。 But because they were one of the early ones on the market, lots of people got used to saying "Wonderbra" for every brand. 但因为它们是市场上的早期产品之一,很多人习惯把每种品牌都叫“Wonderbra”。 The correct brandless term is a push-up bra, and this is where you have extra sponge or filling to push up your cleavage and to create a bustier look. 正确的无品牌术语是聚拢型胸罩,这种胸罩里面有额外海绵或填充物来推高你的乳沟并创造一个更紧身的外观。 One last one we have is a bandeau. 我们拥有的最后一个是抹胸。 This is a strapless piece of material, normally without too much structure. 这是一块无肩带的材料,通常没有太多的结构。 There are two adjectives that you need to know when it comes to bras: "padded" and "underwired." 说到胸罩有两个形容词你需要知道:“加垫”和“带钢圈”。 If a bra is padded, it means it has an extra layer of material. 如果胸罩有衬垫,这意味着它有一层额外的材料。 This helps you have extra shape. 这有助于你形成额外的形状。 If a bra is underwired, it means it has some wiring below the cup, again, to give extra shape. 如果胸罩有钢圈,这意味着它在罩杯下面有一些线,同样地,能形成额外的形状。 Lots of women avoid under wiring for comfort reasons. 出于舒适的原因,许多女性会不买带钢圈的胸罩。 Let's move on to another underwear section: socks and tights, the things you wear on your feet and your legs. 让我们转到另一个内衣部分:袜子和紧身衣,你穿在脚上和腿上的东西。 Let's start with socks. 让我们从袜子开始。 We have "trainer socks," and these are socks that finish just below your ankle, so technically they should be invisible when you wear trainers. 我们有“训练鞋袜”,这些袜子正好在你的脚踝以下,所以从技术上讲,当你穿运动鞋时它们应该是看不见的。 We also have "pop-socks," and these just cover the outer part of your feet, so that they are invisible in most shoes. 我们也有“中统袜”,这些只是覆盖你脚的外侧部分,所以它们在大多数鞋子中是看不见的。 We also have ankle socks that come up to the ankles, mid-calf, over-the-calf, knee-high, over-the-knee and thigh-high. 我们也有到脚踝的袜子,中小腿袜、过小腿袜、及膝袜、过膝袜和大腿袜。 We also have what are called "tights" in British English, or "pantyhose" in American English. 我们还有英式英语中所谓的“紧身裤”,或美式英语中的“连裤袜”。 These are like long socks that come all the way up to your waist. 这些就像一直到你的腰部的长袜。 So they are joined together at the top like a pair of leggings. 所以它们在顶部连接在一起,就像一条紧身裤。 The thickness of these are determined by the denier, which just describes the thickness of the yarn or material used to make them. 20 denier pair of tights would be very thin and transparent, and 100 denier pair of tights would be very thick and warm. 这些的厚度由旦决定,它描述的是纱线的粗细或用于制造它们的材料。20 旦的紧身裤会非常薄且透明,而100 旦的紧身裤会非常厚实和温暖。 Stockings are a sort of cross between a pair of tights and socks that finish at your thigh, but they're normally in that tight nylon sort of material. 丝袜介于紧身裤和袜子之间,它一直到你的大腿,但它们通常是那种紧身尼龙材料。 Lastly, we have thermal underwear, which we wear under our clothes to keep us warm. 最后,我们有保暖内衣,我们穿在衣服下面来保暖。 We have longjohns, which are thermal trousers or leggings; an undershirt, which is usually a long-sleeved shirt... 我们有 longjohns,即保暖裤或紧身裤;汗衫,通常是长袖衬衫...... Vests are sleeveless thermal tops with thin straps. 背心是带有细肩带的无袖保暖上衣。 In general, we would just refer to any piece of clothing used to keep us warm as our "thermals." 一般来说,我们会把任何一件用来保暖的衣服叫作我们的“保暖衣”。 "Oh, I've got my thermals on." “哦,我穿了保暖衣。” "Oh, I wish I'd put my thermals on." “哦,我希望我穿了保暖衣。” Right, we're done with underwear. 是的,我们说完了内衣。 Let's move on to what goes on the top half of your body. 让我们继续讨论你身体上半部分的情况。 In British English, anything that goes on the top half of your body is generally called a "top." 在英式英语中,任何在你身体的上半部分的衣服通常称为“上衣”。 In American English, generally, it's a shirt, 在美式英语中,一般来说,它是一件衬衫, But a shirt in British English would imply this has a collar, buttons, and maybe cuffs. 但是英式英语中的衬衫会暗示这有一个衣领,纽扣,也许还有袖口。 One word that you will hear a lot when talking about tops is "sleeves" or "sleeved." 说到上衣,你会经常听到的一个词是“袖子”或“有袖子”。 The sleeves are the parts of the garment that cover your arms. 袖子是衣服覆盖你手臂的那部分。 If something is short-sleeved, then it has short pieces of material on your arm. 如果是短袖的话,那么它在你的手臂上有一小块材料。 Long sleeves, the opposite. 长袖,反之。 We also mentioned collars, which is the material that can cover your neck, and the neckline, which is essentially a hole for your head. 我们还提到了衣领,即可以盖住脖子的材料,还有领口,这本质上是让你的头穿过的那个洞。 I think neckline vocabulary is very important because different necklines suit different people. 我觉得领口的词汇很重要,因为不同的领口适合不同的人。 We have the v-neck. 我们有 V 领。 We have this; this is a boat neck. 我们有这种;这是一个船颈。 This has got a thin kind of crescent shape. 这有一种薄的月牙形。 A polo or turtle neck. 马球衫或高领毛衣。 We have a cowl neck, which has some extra material. 我们有大翻领,它有一些额外的材料。 And we also have a crew neck, which would be considered the most normal style of t-shirt neck. 我们还有一个圆领,它被认为是最常见的T恤领口款式。 A sweetheart neck forms the top shape of a love heart. 心形领让上半身形成一个爱心形状。 This is considered to be very feminine. 这被认为是非常女性化的。 Square neck, scoop neck, and a halter neck, where the sleeves come up and go around your neck. 方领、大圆领和露背款,袖子的部分会卷起并绕在脖子上方。 I love halter necks in the summer. 我喜欢夏天穿露背款。 A top can be sleeveless or strapless. 上衣可以是无袖的或无肩带的。 It can be strappy, or have straps. 它可以是有带子的。 I know my mum would say, "Oh, I love your strappy dress," meaning your dress with straps. 我知道我妈妈会说,“哦,我喜欢你的系带连衣裙,”意思是带肩带的裙子。 Really thin straps can be called "spaghetti straps" because they looked like a strand of spaghetti. 真的很细的带子可以叫“意大利面带”,因为它们看起来像意大利面。 We could have short sleeves, half-length sleeves, three-quarter length sleeves, or long sleeves. 我们可以有短袖,半身袖,七分袖,或长袖。 Now, in British English, a top with straps is usually called a "vest." 现在,在英式英语中,带肩带的上衣通常称为“背心”。 In American English, it's usually called a "tank." 在美式英语中,它通常被称为“tank”。 Although, because here in Britain we consume a lot of American media, we do now use the word "tank" as well. 虽然,因为在英国我们接触了很多美国媒体,我们现在也使用“tank”这个词。 But when I was younger, growing up, I would always say "vest top." 但是在我小时候,成长的过程中,我总是说“背心上衣”。 But now I'm older, "tank top" seems to be just as common. 但现在我年纪大了,“tank top”似乎也很常见。 This could be because brands are more international now, so they choose to use the American terminology. 这可能是因为品牌现在更加国际化,所以他们选择使用美国术语。 Something that's very popular at the moment, crop tops. 目前非常流行的东西,裁剪上衣。 These are short tops that finish under your torso, and they show your midriff, or your stomach. 这些是覆盖到你的躯干下方的短上衣,它们会展示你的腹部,或者你的胃。 As I said before, "shirts" in British English refer to tops with buttons down the front and a collar and usually cuffs. 正如我之前所说,英式英语中的“衬衫”指前面有纽扣和衣领,通常是袖口的上衣。 We also have blouses. 我们也有女式衬衫。 These are like feminine shirts. 这些就像女性的衬衫。 They're normally more loose fitting. 它们通常更宽松。 They don't necessarily have the collar, and they're considered to be more smart and formal. 它们不一定有领子,它们被认为更干练和正式。 Cuffs are the parts of shirts, and to seal them, we...I don't know why I pinched myself just there. 袖口是衬衫的末端,为了系紧它们,我们......我不知道为什么我掐自己这里。 To close them, but we use cufflinks. 要闭合它们,我们使用袖扣。 "Cufflinks," that's the accessory that many men receive on their birthdays. “袖扣”,这是很多男性会在生日的时候收到的配饰。 Let's talk about the tops that keep you warm. 我们来谈谈让你保持温暖的上衣。 In British English, we have "jumpers," and in American English they call them "sweaters." 在英式英语中,我们有“毛衣”,在美式英语中,他们称它们为“sweater”。 If you said to a British person, "Can I borrow a sweater," I think we would understand you, but we might think maybe you're looking for sportswear. 如果你对一个英国人说:“我可以借一件毛衣吗?”我想我们会理解你的,但我们可能会认为你正在寻找运动装。 We do have sweatshirts, which are like hoodies but with no hood and generally no pocket on the front. 我们有运动衫,它像连帽衫但没有兜帽而且前面一般没有口袋。 They're normally cotton with tight sleeves. 它们通常是棉质的,袖子很紧。 Hoodies have a hood on a pocket at the front. 连帽衫在前面的口袋上有一个兜帽。 We also have "jumpers" or "knitwear." 我们也有“套头衫”或“针织衫”。 There's lots of different styles. 有很多不同的款式。 Cable knit or chunky knit. 绞花针织或粗针织。 My fiance, Will, loves a cable knit jumper. 我的未婚夫 Will 喜欢绞花针织套头衫。 We also have fair-isle print, which have that Christmas-y design around the neck. 我们也有费尔岛印花,脖子上有圣诞风格的设计。 Striped or stripey. 条纹衫。 And also cardigans, which are pided down the middle and are closed with buttons. 还有开衫,从中间分开并用纽扣闭合。 Now let's talk about some casual jackets as well. 现在让我们来谈谈一些休闲夹克。 We have a biker, or leather jacket, made out of leather. 我们有由皮革制成的机车衣或皮夹克。 Denim jackets. 牛仔夹克。 Bomber, or military jackets. 飞行员夹克或军用夹克。 And baseball, or varsity jackets. 还有棒球,或校队夹克。 And these are an American-style jacket, but they became very popular in the UK, and they're what college students t to wear. 这些是美式夹克,但它们在英国变得非常流行,它们是大学生们喜欢穿的衣服。 We also have formal jackets. 我们也有正式的夹克。 A blazer is a more casual, less tailored, formal jacket. 西装外套是一种更休闲、不太剪裁的正式夹克。 We have a tailored jacket, which is very close fitting. 我们有一件量身定制的夹克,非常合身。 A dinner jacket, which has satin on the lapels. 晚礼服,翻领上有缎子。 They are the parts that are folded back on a formal jacket. 它们是折叠在正式夹克上的部分。 We can have jackets and coats that are single breasted, with one row of buttons, or double-breasted, with two rows of buttons. 我们可以有单排扣的夹克和外套,有一排纽扣,或双排扣,有两排纽扣。 We also have a morning coat jacket, which has long tails at the back. 我们还有晨衣外套,后面有长尾巴。 Let's talk briefly about the different styles of coats. 下面简单说一下大衣的不同款式。 We have a trench coat, often found in beige, usually tied at the waist, very Burberry. 我们有风衣,通常是米色的,通常系在腰间,很有巴宝莉的风格。 Duffel coats, which are closed using those special wooden fasteners. 粗呢大衣,使用特殊的木制紧固件来闭合。 Parka jackets and rain jackets. 派克服和雨衣。 A ski jacket, a very puffy one for cold weather. 滑雪夹克,很适合寒冷的天气。 We also have a shooting coat, which is used for British country sports. 我们还有射击外套,用于英国乡村运动。 And an overcoat as well. 还有大衣。 On colder evenings, women in particular may choose to wear a poncho, which is like a blanket that goes all the way around. 在寒冷的夜晚,尤其是女性可以选择穿雨披,这就像一条毯子。 It has no sleeves. 它没有袖子。 A "shawl": a big scarf that you can wrap around. 披肩:一条可以围起来的大围巾。 Or a wrap as well. 或者也叫裹巾。 Those are alternatives to coat. 这些是外套的替代品。 Let's move on to the bottom half of your body now. 现在让我们转到你身体的下半部分。 We have jeans, and we have so many different types of jeans. 我们有牛仔裤,我们有很多不同类型的牛仔裤。 We can have high-rise, mid-rise, or low-rise. 我们可以有高腰、中腰或低腰。 They can also be called "high-waisted jeans," "low-waisted jeans..." 它们也可以被称为“高腰牛仔裤”,“低腰牛仔裤......” We can have skinny jeans, straight leg jeans, boot-leg jeans, which go out under the knee, flared jeans as well, and mom jeans, which are very popular now. 我们可以有紧身牛仔裤,直筒牛仔裤,过膝的微喇牛仔裤,还有喇叭牛仔裤和妈妈牛仔裤,现在非常流行。 You can also have jeggings, which are a cross between jeans and leggings. 你也可以穿打底裤,它介于牛仔裤和紧身裤之间。 They normally have fake pockets, and I'm really glad that they're not that popular anymore because I didn't like them. 他们通常有假口袋,我真的很高兴它们不再那么受欢迎了,因为我不喜欢。 We have leggings, which can be high-waisted or regular. 我们有紧身裤,可以是高腰的或普通的。 We have "joggers" in British English, or "sweatpants" in American English. 我们有英式英语的“运动裤”,或美式英语中的“sweatpants”。 They are meant to be for athletic wear, but now athletic wear is everyday wear, and sometimes formal wear. 它们是为运动装设计的,但现在运动装是日常穿着,有时是正装。 "Athleisure," I think they call it. “运动休闲”,我想他们是这么称呼的。 Harem pants, which are very loose fitting. 哈伦裤,非常宽松。 They've got very low crotch, which is the piece of material between your legs. 它们的裆非常低,裤裆是你双腿之间的那块材料。 Wide-leg trousers. 阔腿裤。 They're becoming more and more fashionable. 它们变得越来越时尚。 We also have corduroy trousers, which are made of a specific material, corduroy. 我们还有灯芯绒裤,由特殊材料灯芯绒制成。 Cargo pants, or cargo trousers. 工装裤。 These are sort of military-inspired. 它们有点军事元素。 They're baggier. 它们更宽松。 Chinos, these are cotton trousers, often found in beige. 斜纹棉布裤,这些是棉质长裤,通常是米色的。 Shorts, which, of course, are shorter trousers. 短裤,当然是较短的裤子。 Or if you want really tiny shorts, you can have "short shorts" in British English or "hot pants" in American English. 或者如果你想要表示非常小的短裤,你可以有英式英语的“short shorts”或美式英语中的“热裤”。 We also have skirts. 我们也有裙子。 There are lots of different styles. 有很多不同的风格。 Starting with length, we have mini, midi, maxi. 从长度开始,我们有 mini、midi、maxi。 Mini's really short; midi's at your knee; maxi is down to the ground. Mini 真的很短;midi 在你的膝盖上;maxi 会到地上。 Skirts can be pleated, meaning they have ironed folds of material. 裙子可以打褶,这意味着他们已经熨平了材料的褶皱。 They can be skater skirts, which mean they go out like an ice skater. 它们可以是溜冰裙,这意味着他们像溜冰者一样出去。 We also have tulip skirts, which means they come in like a tulip. 我们还有郁金香裙,这意味着它们像郁金香一样收尾。 Trumpet skirts go out at the bottom, like a trumpet. 喇叭裙在底部打开,像喇叭一样。 This is all very logical. 这一切都非常合乎逻辑。 We have tiered skirts, also called "rara skirts." 我们有分层裙子,也称为“rara 裙”。 They've got lots of different layers of material coming off. 他们有很多不同层的材料脱落。 And my favourite, a pencil skirt, which is just a figure-hugging skirt that normally goes mid-thigh to the knee. 还有我最喜欢的铅笔裙,这只是一条紧身裙,通常从大腿中部到膝盖。 We have lots of different types of dresses as well that go over your full body, but one thing I want to mention before is a jumpsuit. 我们也有很多不同类型的连衣裙,覆盖你的全身,但我之前想提的一件事是连身衣。 So this is a full body outfit that has trousers as opposed to a skirt. 所以这是一个有裤子的全身装与裙子相反。 These are usually full length. 这些通常是全长的。 If you want your top attached to your shorts, this is normally called a "playsuit" in British English, or it's called a "romper" in American English. 如果你想把上衣系在短裤上,这在英式英语中通常被称为“playsuit”,或者它在美式英语中被称为“ropper”。 Cute, short, very summery floral dresses are called "tea dresses" in British English or "sundresses" in American English, but there's a lot of crossover. 可爱,短,非常夏日的碎花连衣裙在英式英语中被称为“茶裙”或美式英语中的“sundresses”,但有很多重合的部分。 We have fit and flare dresses, which are tight at the top and then go out for the skirt. 我们有合身喇叭形连衣裙,上面很紧,然后裙子部分打开。 Wrap dresses, which are wrapped around you and tied with a bow. 包身裙,包裹着你并有一个蝴蝶结的裙子。 Maxi dresses, they go all the way down to the floor. Maxi 连衣裙,它们一直拖到地板上。 Ball gowns, these are very formal dresses, usually worn for evening events. 舞会礼服,这些是非常正式的礼服,通常在晚间活动时穿着。 Peplum dresses; they were a big fashion, weren't they? 荷叶边连衣裙;它们很时尚,不是吗? They are normally tight, but have a bit at the waist that flares out. 它们通常很紧,但在腰部有一点向外张开。 Bodycon dresses and pencil dresses are usually very figure-hugging and tight. 紧身连衣裙和铅笔裙通常非常贴身和紧身。 Let's move on to shoes. 让我们继续说鞋子。 We normally talk about our flats or our heels. 我们通常谈论我们的平底鞋或高跟鞋。 So obviously, flat shoes have no heels, and heels elevate your heel off the ground. 所以很明显,平底鞋没有高跟,跟将脚后跟抬离地面。 Ballet flats are of course inspired by ballet dancers. 芭蕾平底鞋当然是受到芭蕾舞者的启发。 Kitten heels have a tiny little thin heel. 小猫高跟鞋有一个细小的鞋跟。 Tall version of that is called "stiletto heels." 高跟版的那个叫做“细高跟”。 That's with a really thin pointy heel that is really difficult to walk on. 那是一个非常细的尖跟,那真的很难走。 Platform heels have a thick platform under the toes. 厚底高跟鞋在脚趾​下有一个厚厚的平台。 Wedges have no inpidual heel. 坡跟鞋没有单独的鞋跟。 It's just all one block at the bottom. 它只是在底部有一整块。 And we also have court shoes and pumps, which are sort of lower heels. 我们还有宫廷鞋和高跟鞋,这是一种较低的高跟鞋。 When we talk about flatter shoes, we have "trainers" in the UK, or "sneakers" in American English. 当我们谈论平底鞋时,我们在英国有“运动鞋”,或美式英语中的“sneakers”。 Again, there's lots of crossover now. 同样,现在很多时候都混用。 Boots: these cover your entire foot. 靴子:它们覆盖你的整个脚。 Sandals: these are strappy shoes that you wear in summer. 凉鞋:这是你夏天穿的系带鞋。 And flip-flops, these are also known as thongs. 还有人字拖,这些也被称为拖鞋。 These are very minimal rubber shoes that you can wear in the summer and normally at the beach. 这些是你可以在夏天穿非常小的橡胶鞋通常在海滩。 We have loafers. 我们有乐福鞋。 We also have boat shoes, Chelsea boots, and brogues. 我们还有船鞋、切尔西靴和布洛克鞋。 Finally, let's touch on accessories. 最后,让我们谈谈配饰。 Of course, we'd be nothing without our sunglasses. 当然,如果没有太阳镜,我们将一事无成。 We can also call them "sunnies" for short or "shades." 我们也可以简称它们为“sunnies”或“shades”。 We also wear watches, scarves, gloves, a handbag, handbags, or just bags in general. 我们也戴手表、围巾、手套,手提包,或者只是一般的包。 I have heard people refer to male handbags as "manbags." 我听说人们将男士手袋称为“manbags”。 I'm not sure if that's really a thing. 我不确定这是否真的是一回事。 Why would they not just call it a bag? 他们为什么不把它叫做包? We can also carry an umbrella. 我们也可以带伞。 And one important thing to note is neckwear, especially in men's wear. 需要注意的一件重要事情是颈部服饰,尤其是男装。 We can have a tie or a cravat. 我们可以打领带或领结。 That's a different... 那是不一样的...... That's like sort of a silk scarf that you wear in place of a tie. 它有点像丝巾,你戴它用来代替领带。 If you want a bow, it's a bow tie. 如果你想要一个蝴蝶结,那就是领结。 We also have loads and loads and loads of different types of hats. 我们也有很多不同类型的帽子。 A hat with a peak is called a "cap." 带有尖顶的帽子称为“鸭舌帽”。 You can have a visor, which just goes around here. 你可以戴遮阳帽,它就在这儿。 There's nothing at the top. 顶部什么都没有。 A beret is French inspired, of course. 贝雷帽当然是受法国启发的。 A Panama hat, very nice for holidays. 巴拿马帽,非常适合度假。 We also have fedoras. 我们也有软呢帽。 I know there are very mixed views on fedoras in the internet community. 我知道在互联网社区人们对软呢帽的看法非常复杂。 Top hats, which are very tall. 高顶礼帽,非常高。 My fiance wears a top hat once a year at the races, and I can never take him seriously when he's wearing it. 我的未婚夫每年在比赛中戴一顶大礼帽,当他戴着它时,我永远无法严肃起来。 It looks too ridiculous because he's already six foot six, which is nearly two metres, it's one-nine-eight, and so to have a top hat on as well, it's just too much. 看起来太可笑了,因为他已经六英尺六英寸了,将近两米,一九八,所以还要戴一顶大礼帽,这太过分了。 When we go to weddings, sometimes, especially women, will wear a little decoration. 当我们去参加婚礼时,有时,尤其是女性,会穿一点装饰。 It's not quite a hat, but it's an accessory on their head. 这不是一顶帽子,但它是他们头上的配饰。 We call this a "fascinator" because it just fascinates everyone. 我们称之为“头饰”,因为它让每个人都着迷。 We also have a beanie hat or a woolly hat, which is knitted. 我们还有针织的无檐小便帽或羊毛帽。 And if it has a pompom on it, we call it a bobble hat. 如果上面有绒球,我们就称它为圆头帽。 So cute. 好可爱。 Right, that is it for today's lesson. 好了,今天的课就到这里。 I hope you learned something. 我希望你学到了一些东西。 I have thrown a lot of vocabulary at you. 我向你们展示了很多词汇。 If you want to review that vocabulary in your own time, please do download the PDF document. 如果你想在自己的时间复习这些词汇,请下载 PDF 文件。 It's got everything we've discussed today and a quiz. 它包含我们今天讨论的所有内容和测验。 Just click on the link in the description box, enter your name and your email address, sign up for my mailing list, and you receive the PDF automatically, and you receive each lesson PDF each week as it's released. 只需单击说明框中的链接,输入你的姓名和电子邮件地址,注册我的邮件列表,你就会自动收到 PDF,只要一发布,你每周都会收到每节课的 PDF。 You also receive all of my news, updates, and offers. 你还会收到我的所有新闻、更新和优惠。 If you'd like to improve your listening skills and your vocabulary skills even further, then you can try looking at my vlogging channel, where I vlog my life here in the English countryside. 如果你想让你的听力和词汇技巧更进一步,那你可以试试看我的视频博客频道,那里记录了我在英国乡村的生活。 Every vlog is fully subtitled, so you can use it as a language learning tool. 每个视频博客都有完整的字幕,因此你可以将其用作语言学习工具。 That is Lucy Bella on YouTube. 它在 YouTube 上的频道名叫 Lucy Bella。 Don't forget to connect with me on my social media. 不要忘记在我的社交媒体上与我联系。 I've got my Instagram, @Lucy, and my website, englishwithlucy. co. uk, where I have a handmade pronunciation tool, where you can click on any phoneme and hear me pronounce it. 我有 INS,账号 @Lucy,还有我的网站 englishwithlucy.co.uk,在那里有一个手工制作的发音工具,你可以在其中单击任何音素并听我发音。 It's a lot of fun, and I had a lot of fun making it. 这很有趣,我在制作它时也很开心。 I will see you soon for another lesson. 我们下节课再见。 Let's move to another underwire... 让我们转到另一种内...... Underwire. Underwire。 We also have... 我们还有...... How the (bleep) do you pronounce" denier?" 你怎么读(哔哔声)“denier”? I've never even thought of that. 我甚至从来没有想过。 I've just gone through my life. 我第一次想。 Denier? 否认者? Oh no, that's somebody who denies something. 哦,不,那是否认某事的人。 Denier, denier, yeah, so I said it right, cool. Denier,denier,是的,所以我说得对,很酷。 Good, good for me. 很好,我很好。 Chinos. 斜纹棉布裤。 What are chinos? 什么是斜纹棉布裤? Will always wears them; I have no idea how to describe them. What are they? Will 总是穿;我不知道如何描述它们,这些是什么?

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