

创始人Jean Pierre Biasol于2012年成立了 Biasol Design Studio,Biasol相信设计的表达力,通过有意义的设计和建筑永恒的品质来唤起人类的情感。以客户为中心,热情地将引人入胜的设计融入到空间中。 Founded by Jean Pierre Biasol in 2012, Biasol Design Studio is an internationally recognized award-winning Studio for hotel, residential, commercial projects and products located in Melbourne. Biasol believes in the expressive power of design, evoking human emotions through meaningful design and timeless qualities of architecture. Customer - centric, enthusiastic to the fascinating design into the space. 【Brighton-townhouse】 美丽高贵的娱乐之家 Brighton联排别墅是美丽的平衡和框架,以娱乐的生活方式。简要的重点是设计细节和高品质的装修,为一个宽敞的,易于维护开放的平面风格的家。 Brighton Townhouse is beautifully balanced and framed to support a lifestyle of entertainment. The brief focused on design detailing and high-quality finishes for a spacious, easy to maintain open-plan-style home. 【Casa Atrio】 古典与优雅交织的维多利亚住宅 一个充满天堂植物的中庭给这个家庭带来了生命、光明和联系。从外面看,一个意大利风格的露台将古典建筑装饰与维多利亚时代的住宅交织在一起。 A heavenly plant-filled atrium brings life, light and connection into the heart of this family home. From the outside, Casa Atrio has the character of an Italianate-style terrace, intertwining decorative classical architecture with a Victorian-era home. 在十九世纪晚期淘金热的繁华和乐观精神的推动下,风景如画的墨尔本风格显得很独特。但是走进来,这个充满阳光的家有着古典巴黎公寓的魅力,有优雅的细节、定制的家具和供家人和朋友聚会的空间。 Ornate and picturesque, the style is unique to Melbourne when the city was fuelled by the prosperity and optimism of the gold rush late nineteenth-century. But step inside, and the light-filled home has the charm of a classic Parisian apartment with elegant detailing, custom furniture and spaces for family and fris to gather. 【Penthaus】 现代丰富个性公寓 Penthaus是Haus的顶层公寓,由Angelo房地产集团开发,由80套公寓组成,横跨Collingwood史密斯街的八层。 Penthaus is the penthouse level of Haus, a new development by the Angelo Property Group comprising 80 apartments across eight levels on Smith Street, Collingwood. 由Kennedy Nolan Architects设计的这座建筑微妙的角落里,柔和的弯曲为强调和连接内部的外部细节提供了动力,让它看起来是统一的。 Soft, gentle curvatures in subtle corners of the building by Kennedy Nolan Architects provided the motivation to emphasise and connect the external details internally so it appeared unified. Penthaus的设计包含了一种现代生活的感觉,它重新定义了Collingwood的舒适环境。设计师想要这个空间给人一种丰富的个性,细节、质量和精准感,并且把他们独有的风格展现出来。 The design of Penthaus encapsulates a sense of modern living, redefined in the comfort of the surrounds of Collingwood. They wanted the space to feel rich in character, with detail, quality and precision demonstrated in a style that is uniquely theirs. 【Ambrosia】 蜜叶里 Ambrosia是中国深圳一个新兴的泡泡茶品牌和商店。场地和品牌的设计吸引了时尚、现代和细心的饮茶者,其用料和调色板就像泡沫茶一样甜美和清新。极简主义的形式是基于中国传统四合院(四合院),入口和服务台由建筑大门(牌坊)构成。 Ambrosia is a new bubble tea brand and shop in an up-and-coming area of Shenzhen, China. The design of venue and brand appeals to fashionable, modern and mindful tea drinkers with a material and colour palette as sweet and refreshing as bubble tea. The minimalist form is based on traditional Chinese courtyard houses (siheyuan), with architectural gateways (paifang) framing the entry and service counter. 柔和的粉红色调代表着平静和感官,从苍白的泥土色调和木材纹理的灵感。侧灯上升像泡沫和霓虹灯白光——“是我最好的杯茶”——重申了蜜叶所表达的生活方式。 A soft-pink palette is calming and sensory, drawing inspiration from pale earthy tones and timber textures. Pant lights rise like bubbles and a neon white light – “Be my best cup of tea” – reiterates the lifestyle that Ambrosia represents. 【Liverpool-Street-Grind】 音乐与咖啡,我与你 处于市中心的Grind为每个人提供了一个餐厅和鸡尾酒吧以及专门供外卖咖啡和美食的外卖馆。 Grind offers something for everyone with a restaurant and cocktail bar and dedicated grab-and-go café for takeaway coffee and food. 咖啡和鸡尾酒餐厅品牌Grind将其熙熙攘攘的全天候目的地带到了位于伦敦金融城的利物浦街,处于一栋现代建筑内,以其独特的音乐、咖啡、美食和鸡尾酒混合在一起,重新定义了伦敦的食品和饮料社交场所。 Coffee-and-cocktail restaurant brand Grind has brought its buzzing, all-day destination to City of London with Liverpool Street Grind located at Broadgate Circle. Located in a modern building, Liverpool Street Grind is redefining the London food-and-beverage social scene with the unique mix of music, coffee, food and cocktails that Grind is notorious for. 【Greenwich Grind】 来一杯鸡尾酒 Greenwich Grind是一个轻松的全天场地,将市中心的Grind体验带到悠闲的伦敦郊区。当代色彩和细节为传统建筑注入了Grind的精髓,在玻璃中庭屋顶下为其独特的音乐,咖啡,食物和鸡尾酒融为一体。 Greenwich Grind is a relaxed, all-day venue that brings the inner-city Grind experience to the laidback London suburb. Contemporary colour and detailing infuse the heritage building with the essence of Grind, setting the scene for its unique bl of music, coffee, food and cocktails under a feature glass-atrium roof. 场地被分成三个独立的空间,共同创造一个整体的研磨体验。这是一个有趣、大胆的空间,墙壁和天花板上都挂着标志性的粉红色。绿色房间是一个私人的鸡尾酒吧,深蓝色的背景,而主餐厅开放的户外区域与丰富的绿色植物唤起绿树成荫的格林威治郊区。 The venue is pided into three spaces that function indepently and together to create a holistic Grind experience. The grab-and-go deli/takeaway is a fun, bold space with signature pink on the walls and ceiling. The Green Room is an intimate cocktail bar with a deep-turquoise-blue backdrop whilst the main dining room opens to an alfresco area with an abundance of greenery evoking the leafy Greenwich suburb. 【Farmer J Flagship】 朴实无华的休闲之地 位于伦敦威廉国王街的Farmer J餐厅是一家新开张的餐厅,专为顾客提供餐饮服务,从早到晚、从周一到周末、从咖啡到鸡尾酒,一切都很轻松。 Farmer J in King William Street, London, is a new venue catering for dine-in and on-the-go customers, effortlessly transitioning from morning to night, week to week and coffee to cocktails. Farmer J与一家提供全方位服务的餐厅融为一体,重新定义了快速休闲餐饮的感觉,并提升了Farmer J体验和优质品牌。我们的灵感来自于创始人的以色列背景以及特拉维夫的食物和建筑。材料,颜色和纹理令人想起以色列的食物和建筑,空间是休闲、朴实和真实的,平衡了功能和氛围。 Farmer J merges grab-and-go with a full-service restaurant, redefining the perception of fast casual dining and elevating the Farmer J experience and forkin’ good brand. We were inspired by the founder’s Israeli background and the food and architecture of Tel Aviv. With materials, colours and textures evocative of Israeli food and architecture, the space is casual, unpretentious and authentic, balancing functionality and atmosphere.

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