

  《国际工程建造合同范本》 (电子版中英文对照) INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION ONTRACT  全书近40万字,word 文档。  学术交流请在评论留言  全书总目录 1. 地铁隧道工程建设承包合同 CONTRACT OF SUBWAY TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION  2. 高速公路投资建设 / 特许经营 / 移交项目合同 CONTRACT OF INVESTMENT, BUILDING AND FRANCHISE OPERATION OF EXPRESSWAY ( BT FRANCHISE CONTRACT / EPC CONTRACT )  3. 坦桑尼亚国家体育场项目施工总承包合同 EPC CONTRACT OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TANZANIA NATIONAL STATIUM  4. 天然气高压输气管道工程施工合同 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT OF HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE ENGINEERING  5. 赞比亚熟料水泥生产线土建工程施工合同 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ON 3000T / D CEMENT CLINKER PRODUCTION LINE  6. 电缆沟工程承包合同 CONTRACT OF CONSTRUCTION ON CABLE TRENCH EXCAVATION  7. 钢结构工程承包合同 EPC CONTRACT OF STEEL STRUCTURE  8. 基坑土方挖运施工合同 CONTRACT OF EXCAVATION / TRANSPORT ON FOUNDATION TRENCH EARTHWORK  9. 建设工程测量协议 AGREEMENT OF SURVEY ON PROJECT CONSTRUCTION  10. 建筑工程脚手架施工合同 CONTRACT OF SCAFFOLD FIXING FOR CONSTRUCTION  11. 装修装饰工程施工合同 页 CONTRACT OF DECORATION ENGINEERING  12. 冷库工程安装施工合同 CONTRACT OF REFRIGERATING STORAGE INSTALLATION  13. 铝合金门窗制作安装合同 SUBCONTRACT OF ALUMINUM ALLOY DOOR / WINDOW  14. 酒店大楼幕墙工程设计合同 DESIGN CONTRACT OF CURTAIN WALL PROJECT FOR HOTEL TOWER  15. 商品混凝土生产合同 CONTRACT OF COMMERCIAL CONCRETE PRODUCTION  16. 厂区电气设施安装工程合同 CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING IN WORKS ZONE  17. 水暖电及中央通风系统安装施工合同 CONTRACT OF INSTALLATION OF WATER / ELECTRICITY AND CENTRAL VENTILATION SYSTEM  18. 土方及地基工程施工承包合同 PROJECT CONTRACT OF EARTHWORK AND FOUNDATION  19. 土石方工程施工合同 CONTRACT OF EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION  20. 桥梁工程施工合同 CONTRACT OF BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION  21. 厂房混凝土浇筑施工合同 CONTRACT OF CONCRETE POURING PROJECT  22. 国际工程项目施工分包合同 CONTRACT OF PROJECT SUBCONTRACT 23. 发电工程设计技术协议 TECHNICAL AGREEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DESIGN  24. 2022版建设工程施工合同 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT (2022 MODEL FORM)  25. 建设项目工程总承包合同 GENERAL CONTRACT OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT EPC)  示例: 地铁隧道工程建设承包合同 CONTRACT OF SUBWAY TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION  合同编号 Contract No.: 签约日期:Signature Date of  发包人:城市轨道交通(集团)有限公司 Employer: City Railway (Group)., Ltd.  法定代表人:Legal Representative 地址:Address: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 电子邮箱E-mail:   承包人:隧道工程建设有限公司 Contractor: Tunnel Construction Limited Company  法定代表人:Legal Representative 地址:Address: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 电子邮箱E-mail:  条款目录 Table of Contents 第一部分 协议书 Part One Agreement 第二部分 专用合同条款 Part Two Particular Provision 1.一般约定 General Provision 2. 发包人义务 Employer’s Liability and Obligation 3. 监理人的职责和权力 Liability and Authority of Supervisor 4. 承包人的一般义务 Contractor’s General Liability and Obligation 5. 材料和工程设备 Material and Equipment 6. 测量放线 Measurement and Set-out 7. 合同进度计划 Progress Schedule 8. 开工和竣工 Commencement and Completion 9. 工程建设资金 10. 变更 Alteration 11. 预付款 Advance Payment 12. 施工期试运行 Try Operation During Construction 13. .竣工验收与竣工结算 Completion acceptance and Settlement 14. 缺陷责任与保修责任 Liabilities of Defect and Guarantee 15. 违约 Default Liabilities 16. 争议的解决 Disputes Settlement 17. 其他约定 Miscellaneous 附件:Appix盾构机掘进施工技术方案 TECHNICAL SCHEDULE OF TUNNEL BORING EXECUTION  鉴于:轨道交通(集团)有限公司(以下简称:发包人)为实施轨道交通六号线隧道土建工程(项目名称),已接受隧道工程建设有限公司(以下简称:承包人)对该项目施工的投标; 鉴于:承包方是具有隧道土建工程资质和技术能力的专业工程企业,愿意接受发包方提出的招标条件并中标; 发包人和承包人依照招标文件共同达成如下协议。 Whereas: City Railway (Group)., Ltd. ( herein subsequent to referred to as employer), in the expectation of construction of tunnel earthwork for No. 6 railway traffic, has accept the bid of Contractor of Tunnel Construction Limited Company (herein subsequent to referred to as contractor). Whereas: Contractor is a professional engineering enterprise with the engineering qualification and technical ability of tunnel civil engineering, willing to accept the bidding conditions which are issued by employer and win the bid; NOW, THEREFORE, Parties of employer and contractor hereby, in accordance with bidding documents, enter into following agreement:  第一部分 协议书 Part One Agreement 1.本协议书与下列文件一起构成合同文件: Contract documentation is constituted by this agreement and following documents:  (1)中标通知书;Notice of Acceptance (2)投标函及投标函附录;Bid letter and Appix therewith (3)专用合同条款及通用合同条款Particular provision and general provision (4)技术标准和要求及图纸;Technical standard, requirement and drawing (5)已标价工程量清单;Priced list of project amount (8)其他合同文件。Other contract documents  2. 上述文件互相补充和解释,如有不明确或不一致之处,以合同约定次序在先者为准。 The documents above should be taken as mutually complementary and explanation each other. In the event of any indefinite, vague or inconsistency among them, whichever is first in order agreed by the contract.  3. 签约合同价: Contracted price 4. 承包人承诺按合同约定承担工程的实施、完成及缺陷修复。 Contractor promise to undertake the construction of the implement, complement and defect repair of the project pursuant to the stipulation hereof.  5. 发包人承诺按合同约定的条件、时间和方式向承包人支付合同价款。 Employer promise to effect payment of contracted price pursuant to the conditions, time and ways which stipulated hereof.  6. 承包人应按照监理人指示开工,工期为595日历天。 Contractor should make commencement subject to supervisor’s order. Work period is 595 calar days.  7. 本协议书一式壹拾伍份,合同双方各执柒份,公证机关壹份。 This agreement in made fifteen original copies, each party hold seven copies and notarization authority hold one copy.  8. 合同未尽事宜,双方另行签订补充协议。补充协议是合同的组成部分。 Outstanding issues herein will be with supplementary agreement by parties separately. Supplementary agreement is the integral part hereof.  第二部分 专用合同条款 Part Two Particular Provision 1.一般约定 General Provision 1.1.工程和设备 Project and Equipment 永久工程:隧道工程(包括局部路基段、区间)、隧道入洞口区间工程、出入段线工程以及施工进出场道路的拓宽和施工用水、电的安装等辅助工程。 Permanent Works: tunnel engineering including local roadbed, interval zones, the interval zones of tunnel entrance, entry section, road expanding to construction site, and auxiliary projects such as installation of water, power for work, and so on.  临时工程:隧道、高架区间、路基工程及出入段线的主体工程及附属工程,以及实施以上工程必须的施工进出场道路的拓宽和施工用水、电的安装等临时工程。 Temporary Projects: Tunnel, elevated section, roadbed, main project and auxiliary project for in and out of section / line, and road expanding to construction site, and temporary projects such as installation of water, power, which are necessary for Work implementation, and so on.  1.1.2 缺陷责任期:结构工程两年,防水工程五年。 Defect Liability Period: Two years for structure project and five years for water proof project.  1.2 合同生效的条件 Effective Condition 合同生效的条件:经双方法定代表人或委托代理人签字盖章且承包人提供合同总价款12%的履约担保后生效。 Effective condition: This contract will come into force and effect upon the signature and seal by legal representatives of parties or authorized agent in addition to Performance Guarantee issued by contractor, of 12% of total contract price amount.  1.3 图纸和承包人文件 Drawings and Contractor’s Documents 发包人提供图纸的期限、数量:开工前提供满足施工需要的全套图纸一式六套。 The time limited and copy number of drawings issued by employer: Six copies of full set drawings should be supplied before commencement for necessity of construction.  2. 发包人义务 Employer’s Liability and Obligation 2.1 提供施工场地 Provision of Construction Site  发包人提供施工场地和有关资料的时间: The time of provisions of site and concerned materials by employer.  3. 监理人的职责和权力 Liability and Authority of Supervisor 须经发包人事先批准行使的权力:对本工程项目的施工质量、进度、投资、安全施工、合同及信息管理等实施全过程监理和控制。对隐蔽工程及施工质量进行验收和工程量签认,对施工环境进行协调。 The authority subject to pre-approval of employer: Whole process supervision and control on quality, progress, investment, safe work of this project in addition to the management of contract and information. The acceptance of hidden works and quality thereof, confirmation of work amount and coordination of engineering environment.  4. 承包人的一般义务 Contractor’s General Liability and Obligation 4.1 应提供计划、报表的名称及完成时间:(1)审批后一周内提供本工程施工进度总计划及本年度施工进度计划。(2)每月25日报送当月工程进度完成报表。 Provision of name and complement of schedule, statements: (1) provision of the general schedule of engineering progress and this year’s progress within one week subsequent to examine and approve. (2) Provide statement of completed progress in the same month on 25th day each month.  4.2 已竣工工程未交付发包人之前,承包人负责已完工程的保护工作,保护期间发生损坏,承包人自费予以修复。 Contractor should, before delivery of the completed Works by employer, make protection of the completed Works, any damage thereof occurred in the period of protection will be repaired by contractor at its expense.  4.3 对施工中不能受影响的地面和周边建筑物(构筑物)管线等应加强监控量测和保护,其费用包含在合同价中。 The strengthened supervision, measure and protection should be carried out on the ground surface and the building (structure) and pipes therearound, for which the payment thereof has been comprised in the contract price.  4.2履约担保 Performance Guarantee 承包人向发包人提供履约担保的金额、方式和提交时间:合同签订后15个工作日内,承包人提供合同总价款12%的履约保证金。银行履约保函作为本合同附件,工程通过竣工验收合格后,一个月后失效。 The amount, means and delivery time of Performance Guarantee by contractor: Contractor shall, within 15 days upon signature of contract, provide deposit for performance guarantee which equal to 12% of total contract price. Bank’s Performance Guarantee which as appix hereof will be invalid following one month subsequent to completion acceptance of the project.  5. 材料和工程设备 Material and Equipment 5.1承包人提供的材料和工程设备Material and Equipment Provided by Contractor 承包人负责采购、运输和保管的材料、工程设备:除 由发包人供应外,其余材料均由承包人自行采购。承包人采购材料设备必须经监理和发包人批准。其中: Contractor is liable to the purchase, transport and safekeeping of material and engineering equipment. With exception of provided by employer all other materials will be purchased by contractor on its own arrangement, among which:  (1)水泥、钢筋、商品砼、防水板及卷材由发包人通过招标确定采购供应商和价格。采购合同由发包人、承包人和供应商签订三方合同,采购费用经承包人、监理确认后由发包人直接支付给供应商。结算时以监理和发包人按招标文件规定审核的数量和供应商投标价格计算。 Supplier and price of cement, steel, commodity concrete, waterproof board and coil will be confirmed through bidding by employer. Purchase contract will be signed by the three parties of employer, contractor and supplier, the payment thereof will, upon confirmation of contractor and supervisor, be effected by employer to supplier, the settlement of payment thereof will, by supervisor and employer, made in accordance with the amount which have been examined and approved in bidding documents and the bid price by supplier.  (2)其余材料承包人自行采购,结算时由监理和发包人按招标文件规定审核的数量和投标价格计算,不计价差。 Other material will be purchased by contractor at its arrangement, settlement of the same will be made by calculation of the amount which have been examined and approved in bidding documents and the bid price,without price difference.  5.2发包人提供的材料和工程设备 Material and Equipment Provided by Employer 发包人按《发包人供应材料设备一览表》(详见附件)约定的内容提供材料设备,承包人按施工规范和检测规范对一切进场材料进行质量检验,承包人有权退回检验不合格的材料;承包人对投入使用的材料质量负责,并对工程质量全面负责。 Employer shall, pursuant to Schedule of Material and Equipment Provided by Employer, provide material and equipment to contractor which will, in accordance with the norms of construction and inspection, make quality inspection of all materials which entering into site and contractor is entitle to return the unqualified material; contractor shall take the liability of used material in construction and overall responsibility for engineering quality.  6. 测量放线 Measurement and Set-out 6.1施工控制网 Control Net of Construction 6.1.1发包人提供测量基准点、基准线和水准点的期限:合同签定时约定。 The time limited for provision by employer of measurement base point, base line and benchmark: Shall be agreed at the time of signature hereof.  施工控制网的测设:承包人Measurement and setting of construction control net 报监理人审批施工控制网资料的期限:发出开工通知后3天 The time limited for report of construction control net materials to supervisor for examine and approve: Three days subsequent to issuance of Commencement Notice.  7. 合同进度计划 Progress Schedule 承包人编制施工方案的内容:承包人按相关要求编制。 Contents of construction schedule which is prepared by contractor: Subject to related requirements of employer.  承包人报送施工进度计划和施工方案的期限:图纸会审交底后十天。 Time limited of, by contractor, issuing Construction Progress Schedule and Construction Schedule: Within Ten days subsequent to exam and approval of drawings.  监理人批复施工进度计划和施工方案的期限:收到后十天。 The time limited of supervisor’s approval of construction progress schedule and construction schedule: ten days upon receipt thereof.  本工程接地装置系统在施工时必须由承包人委托电气专业人员按相关设计进行施工。 Earth system of this project should be executed subject to relative design by the electrical professional persons entrusted by contractor.  本工程的施工难度及特殊质量要求以及本合同未详尽部分见招标文件及答疑。 The construction difficulty and special quality requirements of this project and outstanding items hereof can make reference to bidding documents and question answer.  8. 开工和竣工 Commencement and Completion 1.因发包人原因不能按时开工,发包人不负责赔偿承包人延期开工损失费,但工期可顺延。 Where failure of commencement on schedule due to employer which has no liability to make compensation of delay loss to contractor, provide that the Work time may be duly postponed.  2.未经工程师批准,不得有工程临时延期或最终延期,否则承包人将承担违约责任。 Unless otherwise approval by engineer no temporary or final postponement may be allowed, otherwise, the violation liability therewith will be on contractor.  9. 工程建设资金 在建设期间,如果发包人由于资金不足的原因,导致未能按施工承包协议约定的支付期限支付工程款,经承包人同意延期 个月后仍拖延支付工程款超过 3 个月以上的,承包人有权终止本合同,并追究发包人因此造成的经济损失。 Contractor is entitled to supervise employer fund in its bank account. Provided that the failure of effecting Work’s payment in stipulation of contract during construction, due to employer’s inadequacy of fund, and still delay the payment more than three months after contractor’s consent of expiration of months, contractor is entitle to effect termination of this contract and claim the compensation of economic loss consequent thereon or incidental thereto from employer.  10. 变更 Alteration 10.1 变更的范围与内容:按发包人相关规定执行。承包人提交变更报价书的期限:在工程变更确定后七天内。监理人商定或确定变更价格的期限:在收到变更工程价款报告之日起七天内予以确认。 Scope and contents of alteration: The performance thereof will be subject to relative provisions by employer. The time limited of issuing Alteration Quotation by contractor: within seven days upon confirmation of alteration. The time limited of agreement or termination of price quotation: confirmation will be made within seven days upon acknowledgement of Report of Cost Alteration.  10.2 工程变更、新增工程的合同价款调整方法: Adjustment Means of Alteration and added works referred as follows:  ① 当工程量清单中有对应分部分项工程名称时,按该项目综合单价确定调整。 Where the name of sub-part or sub-item project is listed in Bill of Quantities, the comprehensive unit price of Bill of Quantities will be applied to such project.  ② 当工程量清单中无对应但有参照分部分项工程名称时,参照工程量清单中类似项目综合单价确定调整。 Where although no corresponding name of project in Bill of Quantities, the name of other sub-part or sub-item project which may be made reference, the adjustment will be effected by reference of the comprehensive unit price of like item in Bill of Quantities.  11. 预付款 Advance Payment 11.1 预付款额度和预付方法:工程合同签订生效并由承包人提供合同总价10%的履约保函后的20个工作日内,发包人向承包人支付合同总价的10%预付款。 Amount and means of advance payment: Employer will, within 20 days upon signature and effectiveness of engineering contract in addition to provision of, by contractor, Performance Guarantee with the value of 10% of total contract cost, pay of advance payment of 10 % of total contract cost.  11.2 预付款的扣回办法:进度达到10%时开始起扣,工程进度款付到合同总价款的90%(含代扣的税费)前,按每期完成投资总额的10%扣除预付款,扣完为止。 Withdraw of advance payment: Initial withdraw of advance payment will be effected as of the date upon 10% of progress, and the each term’s withdraw amount which being equal to 10% of total completed investing amount for that term prior to engineering progress payment has been effected to the extent of 90% of total contract cost which including the withholding taxes and fees.  12. 施工期试运行 Try Operation During Construction 设备安装工程具备单机无负荷试车条件,并在试车前48小时以书面形式通知工程师; 设备安装工程具备无负荷联动试车条件,发包人组织试车,并在试车前48小时以书面形式通知承包人。 试车费用的承担:在设备调试和试运营期内,承包人承担本合同范围保修期内的责任和费用。 Equipment installation have been provided with conditions of try operation of single machine without load and give 48 hours’ notice in writing to engineer prior to try operation. Equipment installation have been provided with conditions of try operation of linkage try operation without load, which will be organized by employer by which 48 hours’ notice in writing will be given to contractor. The expenses bearing of try operation: Contractor will during equipment debugging and try operation undertake the liability and cost within defective guarantee period pursuant to contract.  13. .竣工验收与竣工结算 Completion acceptance and Settlement 竣工资料内容:承包人提交竣工图纸五套,电子扫描光盘二套。竣工资料伍份。 实际竣工日期:本工程验收合格日即为实际竣工日期。 竣工付款申请单的份数和提交期限:工程竣工验收报告经发包人认可后28天内。 Content of completion files: Five copies of completion drawings, two copies of electrical scan disks, five copies of completion material. Actual completion date: Acceptance of this project. Copies and issuing time limited of payment apply for completion: within 28 days upon issuing completion report which have been approval by employer.  13.1工程结算按发包人相关规定执行,其中发包人供应材料按发包人招标所确定的实际采购价格进入结算,在支付工程款时按实际采购价格扣除。发包人代扣代缴税金(税率3.3%计税基础为含税工程造价)。 Engineering settlement will be made subject to relevant provisions of employer, of which the materials which are provided by employer are calculated on actual purchase price which confirmed in bidding by employer, and deduction of the cost thereof will be effected from payment of engineering cost. Employer will effect withholding tax for which tax rate is 3.3% and tax base as engineering cost including tax.   13.2在本工程交工验收合格提交竣工资料和文件后,双方按规定及时办理工程结算并清理现场退场。 Parties hereto will, upon qualified acceptance / delivery of engineering in addition to provision of completion data and documents, conduct engineering settlement timely in accordance with relevant provisions and contractor clear and exist site.  14. 缺陷责任与保修责任 Liabilities of Defect and Guarantee 从签发本工程交工验收证书之日起开始计算,结构工程为2年,防水工程为5年。 The time of liabilities of defect and guarantee commence from the date of issuing Certificate of Acceptance of this engineering, structure works for two years and waterproof works for five years.  (1) 属于保修范围、内容的项目,承包人应当在接到保修通知之日起7天内派人保修。承包人不在约定期限内派人保修的,发包人可以委托第三方修理,费用由承包人承担。 Respect to the items of guarantee’s scope and contents, contractor should, within seven days upon receipt of repair notice, dispatch workers to make repair / maintenance. Provided that contractor fail to do so within the agreed time limited employer may consign third party to repair and the cost thereof will be on contractor.  (2)发生紧急抢修事故的,承包人在接到事故通知后,应当立即到达事故现场抢修。 Respect to emergency accident, contractor should upon receipt of notice thereof rush repair forthwith on site .  15. 违约 Default Liabilities 1.本合同中关于承包人违约的具体责任如下: Specific responsibilities and liabilities of contractor’s default herein are stipulated as follows:  本合同条款第11.5款约定承包人违约应承担的违约责任:工期每延误一天按合同价款的 0.3‰处违约金。 本合同条款第22.1款约定承包人违约应承担的违约责任:承包人必须返修达到合同约定质量标准,返修损失自负,工期不顺延。由此造成发包人其它经济损失,须全额赔偿。 Default liabilities on contractor pursuant to sub-clause 11.5 hereof: Liquidated damages for each delayed working day will be punished for 0.3‰ of contract cost. Default liabilities on contractor pursuant to sub-clause 22.1 hereof: Repair or rework which are made by contractor should reach the quality standard stipulated in contract, any loss relevant to repair or rework will be undertaken on contractor itself, no extension of working term, and other economic losses which suffered by employer arising therefrom will be compensated at full amount.  2.本合同关于发包人违约的具体责任如下: Specific responsibilities and liabilities of employer’s default herein are stipulated as follows:  本合同条款第22.2款约定发包人违约应承担的违约责任:按通用条款执行,每延误一天处应付款额0.3‰处违约金。 Default liabilities on contractor pursuant to sub-clause 22.2 hereof: Subject to General Provisions, liquidated damages for each delayed working day will be punished for 0.3‰ of contract cost.  16. 争议的解决 Disputes Settlement 在执行本合同的过程中所发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成,双方同意提交仲裁委员会申请仲裁解决。 Any dispute arising from or in connection to the execution of this Contract shall be settled between the two parties through frily consultation. In case no agreement can be reached, both parties agree hereby to submit the case in dispute to Arbitration Commission for arbitration.  17. 其他约定 Miscellaneous 1.本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同正本一式四份,双方各二份。 This contract is made in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall deemed equally authentic. The Contract is in four (4) originals, two (2) for the Buyer and two (2) for the Seller.  2. 合同附件 Appix herewith 盾构机掘进施工技术方案 Technical Schedule of Tunnel Boring Execution  发包人:轨道交通(集团)有限公司 承包人:隧道股份有限公司 Employer: City Railway (Group), Ltd. Contractor: Tunnel Construction Limited Company   附件:Appix  盾构机掘进施工技术方案 TECHNICAL SCHEDULE OF TUNNEL BORING EXECUTION  一、The tunnel boring machine 施工使用的盾构机 The tunnel boring machine is 83 meters long and weighs 520 tones. Its shield is 8.3 meters long. The diameter of its cutter head is 6.28 meters. The cutter head is fitted with hob and gear cutters and it is driven hydraulically. 盾构机全长83米,盾壳长8.4米,刀盘直径6.28米,总重520吨,刀盘上装有分别针对大连岩层参数设计的滚刀和齿刀两种刀具,采用液压驱动和推进。  This TMB consists of 5 trolleys and is 80 meters long subsequent to being assembled. For the starting well is only 50 meters long, the 5 trolleys are not assembled together. The first 3 trolleys are assembled and bore through the well for 50 meters. Subsequent to that, the remaining 2 trolleys will be installed. The director of the project said that water pumps, w The present machine is a shield machine for hydraulic tunneling with earth pressure supported tunnel face. The tunnel excavation is carried out by means of a cutting wheel. The tunnel is constructed with segments (Reinforced concrete blocks). 盾构机共由5个台车组成,组装完成后长达80米,但始发井长度仅有50米,所以只能采取分体式发。前3节台车组装后开始先期始发,待掘进50米后,再将其它两节台车组装其后。该负责人表示,工作人员已将后两节台车的水泵、水箱、变压器等主要设备暂时安装在始发台车上。  The delivery scope of Herrenknecht AG covers the actual tunneling machine, the segment transfer device (erector), the backup system as well as the relevant hydraulic and electrical supply and structure aggregates. Everything together is described as tunneling schedule. 涵盖目前的掘进机器、管片输送设备(管片拼装机)、后配套系统、相关液压、电气供应系统和结构成套设备。所有一起称为掘进设备。 二、 Function (EPB-Shield) 功能(EPB-盾构) The earth pressure balance shields (abbreviated EPB-shields) are particularly used for binding grounds with a high content of clay, loam or silt which have a low permeability of water. 土压平衡盾构(缩写:EPB-盾构)专门用于将大部分是粘土、壤土或者淤泥而不容易渗水的土地粘在一起。  To avoid settlements or heaves the ground material which has been excavated by the cutting wheel supports the tunnel face. 避免隧道表面沉降或者凸起,用刀盘挖掘的物料支撑隧道表面。  In order to be used as a support medium the excavated material should be characterized as follows: 做为支撑介质,挖掘出的物料应有以下特征: • high plasticity 可塑性高 • liquid to soft consistency 液态时柔软结持时间长 • low inner friction 内部摩擦小 • low water permeability 不易渗水  Normally these characteristics can neither be encountered before nor subsequent to excavation. The material has to be conditioned with additives such as foam in order to become transportable, however, the changes of the earth pressure have to be considered. 通常,这些特征在挖掘前后都不能遇到。为达到适宜运输的条件,物料应通过添加添加剂的方式,例如泡沫,达到要求条件,土压变化应加以考虑。  三、 Material excavation / advance 物料挖掘/掘进 The ground is excavated with the help of the tools of the rotating cutting wheel and is then pressed through the openings in the cutting wheel into the excavation chamber. There it is mixed to the plastic earth paste which already exists there. The force of the thrust jacks is transferred to the earth paste via the pressure bulkhead in order to avoid an accident intrusion of the ground material from the tunnel face into the excavation chamber. When the earth paste in the excavation chamber can no longer be compacted by the earth pressure and the water pressure, the balance is achieved. The current earth pressure at the tunnel face approximately corresponds to the static earth pressure. A further increase of the support pressure of the earth paste exceeding the balance results in a further compaction of the earth paste in the excavation chamber as well as on the tunnel face; this may lead to a heave of the area in front of the shield. When reducing the earth pressure the ground material can intrude into the excavation chamber and can consequently cause settlements. 用旋转刀盘挖掘地面,然后穿过刀盘的开口压入土仓。在可塑泥土里掺进原本就存在的粘土团。为了避免隧道表面物料突然进入土仓,推进油缸的力量通过耐压舱壁传输到粘土团。当土仓内的粘土团不再受到土压和水压的压力时,就达到了平衡。当前的土压大致相等于静土压。粘土团的支撑压力进一步增加,超过了这个平衡,就导致土仓的粘土团和隧道表面都进一步受到压力。这样会导致盾体前面区域隆起。减小土压,地面物料会进入土仓,因此会引起沉降。  With the help of the screw conveyor the excavated material is transported from the pressurized excavation chamber to the tunnel with atmospheric pressure. In order to realize a material transfer from the exit of the screw conveyor to the conveyor belt without the use of a lock the water permeability of the ground should be low to avoid flow through the screw conveyor. 在螺旋输送机的帮助下,将挖掘的物料从带压土仓运输到处于大气压下的隧道。为了实现在没有使用闸门的情况下,从螺旋输送机的出口到输送带之间输送挖掘出的物料,土质的渗水性应该够低,以避免经传输带流散。  The earth pressure is mainly influenced by the following: 土压主要受以下因素影响: • Tunneling speed 掘进速度 • Quantity of excavated material 挖掘出的物料的数量 • Addition of media for ground conditioning 土质处理介质的增加  During tunneling with a given speed the earth pressure is usually controlled by changing the speed of the screw conveyor. When the ground is discharged more rapidly due to the higher speed of the screw, the earth pressure is falling. When the ground is discharged more slowly the earth pressure is increasing. 在以给定的速度挖掘时,土压经常通过螺旋输送机的速度来控制的。当螺旋输送机的速度加快,泥土流出速度也跟着加快时,土压降低。当泥土流出速度慢时,土压增加。  In general it is also possible to control the earth pressure by changing the advance speed. Reducing the tunneling speed causes a decrease of the earth pressure, increasing the tunneling speed causes an increase of the earth pressure. 一般也可以通过改变掘进速度控制土压。降低挖掘速度,土压降低,增加挖掘速度,土压增加。  The aim is to keep the earth pressure constant during tunneling. The pressure created in the excavation chamber has to compensate the pressure in front of the cutting wheel to avoid settlements and ground leakage. 在挖掘过程中,目标是保持恒定的土压。挖掘室形成的压力必须补偿刀盘前面的压力,避免沉降和泥土泄漏。

标签: 云平台