开学第56天:英语书写来反馈 激发思考巧联系


开学第56天: 英语书写来反馈 激发思考巧联系 2021-10-26 Tuesday周二 Sunny晴I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time. — Charles Dickens少了准时、规律及勤劳的习惯,少了一次只专心致志于一件事的决心,我不可能 得到今天的成就。 — 查尔斯‧狄更斯 Charles Dickens was born in Britain, regarded as the greatest writer of the Victorian era, works depicting the all-inclusive like social situations, with turneth the edge of revealing and criticizing, with 15 novels, novellas, essays, travel notes and comments on current affairs, drama, poetry, etc., among them with "A tale of two cities" and "Oliver Twist" the most famous.查尔斯‧狄更斯出生英国,被认作维多利亚时代最伟大的作家,作品描绘包罗万 象的社会情景,带有揭露和批判的锋芒,著有 15 部长篇小说,还有中短篇小说、 随笔、游记、时事评论、戏剧、诗歌等,其中以《双城记》及《孤雏泪》也有翻译为《雾都孤儿》最为知名。词汇注释 never [ˈnevər] adv. 决不,永不;不会;done [dʌn] v. 做(do 的过去分词形式) without [wɪˈðaʊt] prep.没有;不和……在一起;不带;在……外部;adv. 没有,缺乏;在外面;habits ['hæbɪts] n.习惯(habit 的复数);[生物]习性;punctuality [ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti] n.准时性;order [ˈɔːrdər] n.指示,命令;订购,订单;安排;条理;治安,秩序,规矩;diligence [ˈdɪlɪdʒəns] n.勤奋,用功;determination [dɪˌtɜːrmɪˈneɪʃn] n.决心;果断;测定;concentrate [ˈkɑːnsntreɪt] v. 集中注意力,聚精会神;使集中,聚集;浓缩 subject [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt; ˈsʌbdʒekt] n. 主题;起因;科目;主词。I think I recognize the song she is singing. It sounds familiar.我想我能分辨出她在唱什么歌。听起来很熟悉。本句考查形容词辨析:familiar 意为" 熟悉的;常见的":Are you familiar with the computer software they use? 你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗?be familiar to sb. 众所周知的, 表示一种被动关系;be familiar with sth.精通、熟悉, 表示是一种主动关系。pleasant 意为“令人愉快的;舒适的”:Floating can be a very pleasant sensation. 漂浮会给人一种非常愉快的感觉。special 意为“特别的;重要的;特设的;专用的”:Musically speaking, their latest album is nothing special. 就音乐而言,他们最新的专辑没什么特别的。strange 意为“奇怪的,不寻常的;陌生的”:I ed up alone in a strange city. 我最终是独自呆在了一个陌生的城市。 一早来到教室,问到王佩玥同学的情况,感觉已经好多了,正在抓紧弥补所缺的课程。 Effective way to make students awake In the office I often hear some teachers are in trouble for some students always feel sleepy in class and have to sp more time waking them up from time to time. I happen to have an effective way to make students awake at any time. Ms Wang has asked for leave and I am arranged to have the fifth lesson in Class 7 on the morning of October 25th, 2021. Before I stepped into the classroom, all the students feel a little excited and give me a warm welcome. I try to calm them down with a gesture of silence and offer a requirement at the same time: Sit straight and look at me from the very beginning to the of the class. Just then, a girl student sitting at the back row is shouting in her seat: I don’t understand English. Please speak Chinese. Some other students burst into laughter. I keep silent for a while and invite the girl to the front asking her to write her name on the blackboard. She follows my advice and writes three Chinese characters:曹源岩。I only select one of them: Rock, and name her Rocky. Then ask the whole class to evaluate the girl with the words of positive energy. The girl sitting in the middle, is said to be in charge of the subject of English, immediately gives me a quick response: active. At this time I find another girl who is a little absent-minded and also ask her to the front and her name is 刘婧羽。The word “feather” appears in my mind. I name her Feathery. Till now I find something interesting. One is Rocky and the other is Feathery.孙歌阳 shares his opinion: Rock is hard and heavy; and feather is soft and light. After hearing his words, we begin to concentrate on his name of the last word. Some students use sun, sunshine, positive, sunlight to express according to the Chinese meaning. But I show them a word: Solar, which is strange to all of us students, but when I write down solar energy on the blackboard, they are all suddenly enlightened and realize what I want to tell them.朱殊瑶 is special from the middle of her name, which is named Unique, and tells us anther word “lunar” from the familiar lunar calar. What a coincidence and symmetry! Rock and feather; Hard and soft; Heavy and light; Solar and lunar; Heaven and earth; boys and girls; male and female. Eventually, 马贤迪 is named Intelligent, who concludes positive and negative. 徐千词is also thought of as intelligent from her name, some other words such as learned, erudite, smart, and wise,which also reminds us of wisdom, freedom, kingdom. Every one of us is eager to become better and better, excellent, rich, striving to be beautiful and good and to live our life to the fullest. Life is indeed dark if there’s no hope, all hope is blind if there’s no knowledge. Of course only knowledge is not enough, we should try to use what we’ve learned in our daily life, then we can own the wisdom. 穆治文is the girl who wears a purple jacket and a black cap, active in class with a sharp thinking. When I name her purple, she immediately takes off the purple one and all the other students shout together “orange”, for the bright orange sweater stimulates all of us. She always avoids answering my questions directly, but she still slip a word from her mouth to hit the point. No wonder her name shows us how to control or govern the literature or culture. Let’s come back to the very beginning which word can praise Rocky. It’s beyond our imagination that only Rocky who says it is difficult to understand now really understands for telling us a word: honest. She does not pret to know anything and only show us a fact. So we should learn from her from understanding nothing to knowing everything. The summary above should be written by the students and I show them here only to set a good example for us to follow. Maybe I confuse some of us in their names, but the whole process is correct. And all the students are full of energy in my class. 高一年级大课间将跑操改为教室自习,班主任到班管理,准备做肺结核皮试(Skin test for tuberculosis)。批阅作业发现Potential、Susan、Polly、Rainy、Poplar、Starry、Snow White、Aesthetic、Kelly、Cherry等同学一如既往的好,令人赏心悦目。还有几位没完成的同学也分别找来谈话,说会及时补上。第五节下课后,先赶到食堂为同学们拍下几张同学们午餐时的照片,然后才回家,稍微休息了一会,午饭都没来得及吃,就开始赶下午的六、七节课。下午大课间跑操正常,负责检查的Dragon同学利用空闲时间看书的情形,又成了校园内一道亮丽的风景。

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