七夕马上到了,十款代码表白小特效 一个比一个浪漫 赶紧收藏起来吧


  十款表白小特效 用代码表白 一个比一个浪漫 赶紧收藏起来吧!!! 文章简介 最近看了一街坊视频,问路人“你眼中的程序员是怎样的?” 然后一堆关键词就出来了“直男、宅、不懂浪漫、秃头、掉发、油头、戴眼镜、瘦、没得休息、枯燥乏味、不修边幅、做事有逻辑、学霸、认真、憨厚老实、可爱 哈哈哈哈哈哈”。 说程序员是直男,不可否认,大多数程序员都挺直,因为我们没有那么多弯弯绕绕。有心思兜圈子,不如回去写几行代码。 早年雷军说“我喜欢写代码,代码的世界很简单” 程序员,格子衫,不浪漫,直男,人傻钱多……一点都不懂得浪漫! 谁说我们不懂浪漫的? 不会制造惊喜的?真的是这样么?不不不 你错了 程序员一旦浪漫起来,真没其他人啥事了!!! 程序员的大多数时间都是面对电脑,没有乱七八糟的应酬,缺乏交际的程序员对待一份感情也会非常的认真。程序员也许在生活中会比较宅,但是千万不要说程序猿不懂浪漫。当你不开心了,他可以分分钟做出一个玫瑰花、心形、烟花等告白小程序给你制造小惊喜。 特效一(动图太大了 上传不了 只录了一部分) 部分代码如下 <body><audio autoplay="autopaly"> <source src="renxi.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio><p id="main"> <p id="wrap"> <p id="text"> <p id="code"> <font color="#FF0000"> <span class="say">浮世三千 吾爱有三 日月与卿</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br> <span class="say">日为朝 月为暮 卿为朝朝暮暮</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br> <span class="say">在这浮浮沉沉的大千世界里 我爱的只有三样</span><br> <span class="say"></span><br> <span class="say">太阳 月亮和我爱的你</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br> <span class="say">太阳带给我们白昼和希望 月亮带给我们夜幕和宁静 </span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br><span class="say"> 你与我的朝夕相伴 于我而言即是永恒 你是我一生挚爱</span><br> <span class="say"></span><br> <span class="say">一生爱一人很难,也不丢人</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br> <span class="say"> 最美的爱情愿景不就是"愿得一心人 白首不相离"嘛</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br> <span class="say"> 如果可以请牢记当初的爱情承诺 记住最初的美好</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br><span class="say">愿岁月静好 浅笑安然 一切美好如约而至</span><br> <span class="say"> </span><br> </font> </p> </p> <p id="clock-box"> <span class="STYLE1"></span><font color="#33CC00">愿得一心人,白首不相离</font> <span class="STYLE1">这简单的话语……</span> <p id="clock"></p> </p> <canvas id="canvas" width="1100" height="680"></canvas> </p></p><script> (function(){ var canvas = $('#canvas'); 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$await(growAnimate()); $await(flowAnimate()); $await(moveAnimate()); textAnimate().start(); $await(jumpAnimate()); })); runAsync().start(); })(); </script>特效二 <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>zhaoyeming</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/hovertree.css" /></head><body><p class="hovertreeinfo"><h2></h2></p><!-- 仅自动播放音乐 --><audio loop src="img/qianyuqianxun.mp3" id="audio" autoplay preload="auto">该浏览器不audio属性</audio><script type="text/javascript">//--创建页面监听,等待微信端页面加载完毕 触发音频播放document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {function audioAutoPlay() {var audio = document.getElementById('audio');audio.play();document.addEventListener("WeixinJSBridgeReady", function () {audio.play();}, false);}audioAutoPlay();});//--创建触摸监听,当浏览器打开页面时,触摸屏幕触发事件,进行音频播放document.addEventListener('touchstart', function () {function audioAutoPlay() {var audio = document.getElementById('audio');audio.play();}audioAutoPlay();});</script><!--/*外层最大容器*/--><p class="wrap"><!--/*包裹所有元素的容器*/--><p class="cube"><!--前面图片 --><p class="out_front"><img src="img/img01.jpg " class="pic" /></p><!--后面图片 --><p class="out_back"><img src="img/img02.jpg" class="pic"/></p><!--左图片 --><p class="out_left"><img src="img/img03.jpg" class="pic" /></p><p class="out_right"><img src="img/img04.jpg" class="pic" /></p><p class="out_top"><img src="img/img05.jpg" class="pic" /></p><p class="out_bottom"><img src="img/img06.jpg" class="pic" /></p><!--小正方体 --><span class="in_front"><img src="img/img07.jpg" class="in_pic" /></span><span class="in_back"><img src="img/img08.jpg" class="in_pic" /></span><span class="in_left"><img src="img/img09.jpg" class="in_pic" /></span><span class="in_right"><img src="img/img10.jpg" class="in_pic" /></span><span class="in_top"><img src="img/img11.jpg" class="in_pic" /></span><span class="in_bottom"><img src="img/img12.jpg" class="in_pic" /></span></p></p></body></html>特效三 代码如下 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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padding:0;}body{ background-color: #1E1E1E; }</style></head><body><canvas id="drawHeart"></canvas><script>var hearts = [];var canvas = document.getElementById('drawHeart');var wW = window.innerWidth;var wH = window.innerHeight;// 创建画布var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');// 创建图片对象var heartImage = new Image();heartImage.src = 'img/heart.svg';var num = 100;init();window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ wW = window.innerWidth; wH = window.innerHeight;});// 初始化画布大小function init(){canvas.width = wW;canvas.height = wH;for(var i = 0; i < num; i++){hearts.push(new Heart(i%5));}requestAnimationFrame(rer);}function getColor(){var val = Math.random() * 10;if(val > 0 && val <= 1){return '#00f';} else if(val > 1 && val <= 2){return '#f00';} else if(val > 2 && val <= 3){return '#0f0';} else if(val > 3 && val <= 4){return '#368';} else if(val > 4 && val <= 5){return '#666';} else if(val > 5 && val <= 6){return '#333';} else if(val > 6 && val <= 7){return '#f50';} else if(val > 7 && val <= 8){return '#e96d5b';} else if(val > 8 && val <= 9){return '#5be9e9';} else {return '#d41d50';}}function getText(){var val = Math.random() * 10;if(val > 1 && val <= 3){return '爱你一辈子';} else if(val > 3 && val <= 5){return '感谢你';} else if(val > 5 && val <= 8){return '喜欢你';} else{return 'I Love You';}}function Heart(type){this.type = type;// 初始化生成范围this.x = Math.random() * wW;this.y = Math.random() * wH;this.opacity = Math.random() * .5 + .5;// 偏移量this.vel = {x: (Math.random() - .5) * 5,y: (Math.random() - .5) * 5}this.initialW = wW * .5;this.initialH = wH * .5;// 缩放比例this.targetScale = Math.random() * .15 + .02; // 最小0.02this.scale = Math.random() * this.targetScale;// 文字位置this.fx = Math.random() * wW;this.fy = Math.random() * wH;this.fs = Math.random() * 10;this.text = getText();this.fvel = {x: (Math.random() - .5) * 5,y: (Math.random() - .5) * 5,f: (Math.random() - .5) * 2}}Heart.prototype.draw = function(){ctx.save();ctx.globalAlpha = this.opacity;ctx.drawImage(heartImage, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);ctx.scale(this.scale + 1, this.scale + 1); if(!this.type){ // 设置文字属性ctx.fillStyle = getColor(); ctx.font = 'italic ' + this.fs + 'px sans-serif'; // 填充字符串 ctx.fillText(this.text, this.fx, this.fy); }ctx.restore();}Heart.prototype.update = function(){this.x += this.vel.x;this.y += this.vel.y;if(this.x - this.width > wW this.x + this.width < 0){// 重新初始化位置this.scale = 0;this.x = Math.random() * wW;this.y = Math.random() * wH;}if(this.y - this.height > wH this.y + this.height < 0){// 重新初始化位置this.scale = 0;this.x = Math.random() * wW;this.y = Math.random() * wH;}// 放大this.scale += (this.targetScale - this.scale) * .1;this.height = this.scale * this.initialH;this.width = this.height * 1.4;// -----文字-----this.fx += this.fvel.x;this.fy += this.fvel.y;this.fs += this.fvel.f;if(this.fs > 50){this.fs = 2;}if(this.fx - this.fs > wW this.fx + this.fs < 0){// 重新初始化位置this.fx = Math.random() * wW;this.fy = Math.random() * wH;}if(this.fy - this.fs > wH this.fy + this.fs < 0){// 重新初始化位置this.fx = Math.random() * wW;this.fy = Math.random() * wH;}}function rer(){ctx.clearRect(0, 0, wW, wH);for(var i = 0; i < hearts.length; i++){hearts[i].draw();hearts[i].update();}requestAnimationFrame(rer);}</script></body></html>特效七 <!doctype html><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>canvas五彩斑斓的粒子动画特效</title> <style> body { overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: hsla(242, 30%, 5%, 1); } canvas { width: 100%; } </style></head><body> <canvas id='canv'></canvas> <script> /* (Book REF) HTML5 Canvas Ch. 5: Math, Physics, and Animation ::: Uniform Circular Motion By Steve Fulton and Jeff Fulton */ window.requestAnimFrame = (function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame window.mozRequestAnimationFrame window.oRequestAnimationFrame window.msRequestAnimationFrame function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); window.addEventListener('load', start, false); var c, $, w, h, msX, msY, midX, midY, num = 650, parts = [], begin = 50, repeat = 20, = Math.PI * 2, force = null, msdn = false; function start() { c = document.getElementById('canv'); 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$.fillStyle = 'hsla(242, 30%, 5%, .55)'; $.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); $.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'; var mx = msX; var my = msY; var bounds = force; if (msdn) { bounds = force * 2; } var n = num; while (n--) { var p = parts[n]; var radi = Math.PI / 180 * p.deg; p.distX = midX + p.rad * Math.cos(radi); p.distY = midY + p.rad * Math.sin(radi) * 0.4; if (mx && my) { var react = Math.floor((bounds * 0.5) + Math.random() * (bounds * 0.9)); if (p.distX - mx > 0 && p.distX - mx < bounds && p.distY - my > 0 && p.distY - my < bounds) { p.distX += react; p.distY += react; } else if (p.distX - mx > 0 && p.distX - mx < bounds && p.distY - my < 0 && p.distY - my > -bounds) { p.distX += react; p.distY -= react; } else if (p.distX - mx < 0 && p.distX - mx > -bounds && p.distY - my > 0 && p.distY - my < bounds) { p.distX -= react; p.distY += react; } else if (p.distX - mx < 0 && p.distX - mx > -bounds && p.distY - my < 0 && p.distY - my > -bounds) { p.distY -= react; p.distY -= react; } } p.x += ((p.distX - p.x) / flow); p.y += ((p.distY - p.y) / flow); var x = p.x; var y = p.y; var s = p.size * (p.y * 1.5 / h); if (s < 0.1) { s = 0; } $.beginPath(); $.fillStyle = p.color; $.arc(x, y, s, 0, , true); $.fill(); $.closePath(); var vary; if (p.size < 2) { vary = 4; } else if (p.size < 3) { vary = 3; } else if (p.size < 4) { vary = 2; } else { vary = 1; } vary *= (p.y / (h * 0.9)); p.deg += vary; p.deg = p.deg % 360; } } function msmv(e) { var p = getPos(e.target); var sX = window.pageXOffset; var sY = window.pageYOffset; msX = e.clientX - p.x + sX; msY = e.clientY - p.y + sY; } function msdn(e) { msdn = true; } function msup(e) { msdn = false; } function getPos(el) { var cosmo = {}; cosmo.x = el.offsetLeft; cosmo.y = el.offsetTop; while (el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; cosmo.x += el.offsetLeft; cosmo.y += el.offsetTop; } return cosmo; } </script></body></html>文案八 文案九 文案十 唉~只是我们平时不屑于表达,除非对自己喜欢的人。 我们要浪漫,就没其他人什么事儿!!!!好了,马上就要到七夕了,快去试试吧,快去@你的男朋友们吧。 需要源码的点赞评论666

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